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Excuses for missing work needed!!!


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I need some decent excuses for missing work so i can make the manchester meet-up!!!


All excuses welcomed as i need as many as poss for a strict elimination process!!!


Claire dc has already said i should tell my boss that i should have the friday off cos claire is gonna take off her thong in front of me and give it to me for my boss!


Any improvements on that?


CTW Sexiest Male Member

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Gastro is a firm fave with a lot of the lads at work so thats a no go!

Claire and the thong is a long shot, although...........



I was thinkin about tellin him i have a booking for a dick reduction clinic, as i'm handing some of my girth and length to creamy after a little chat i had with alison the other week!


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thumbs.gif my sis used a top excuse when she took a week off to go on holiday!! she said her other halfs nan had died (well, she had, about ten years previous!) and that she had to go up north to help her mother-in-law-to-be to sort the funeral because shes an old frail weak woman. undecided.gif

Reckon that'd work?

It did for her - they told her to take as long as she needed!!! thefinger.gif



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how about:


you went rockclimbing and you fell and got your arm stuck under this boulder, so you proceeded to cut your arm off with a pen knife and then had to wiggle the bone to break it and release yourself




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Dr_Fellatio said:

how about:


you went rockclimbing and you fell and got your arm stuck under this boulder, so you proceeded to cut your arm off with a pen knife and then had to wiggle the bone to break it and release yourself





You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Bushy said:



Claire dc has already said i should tell my boss that i should have the friday off cos claire is gonna take off her thong in front of me and give it to me for my boss!


Any improvements on that?


You really want that?


My y-fronts. Thats a better offer.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
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CreamyC said:

Bushy said:



Claire dc has already said i should tell my boss that i should have the friday off cos claire is gonna take off her thong in front of me and give it to me for my boss!


Any improvements on that?


You really want that?


My y-fronts. Thats a better offer.



Its a start kev,


I'd love your boxers..........i'd frame them on the wall above the mantle at home!!! (i wouldn't wash the skids out either mate!!! wink.gif)

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how about just be honnest:


"i h8 this job and ur a bastard but u need me and i need ur money! no i'm gonna take [day] off and i dont care if u like it or not - soz ur a wanker and i h8 u!"

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

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The thing is lawrence, i like my job, i like the company, i like my boss, hes a friend, but he said i cant keep taking unpaid days off, cos the other lads will see their arses, and i dont wanna use up my hols, but if thats the case its what i gotta do!!!

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The "there's been a death in the family" or "my nans really ill and I've got to go and look after her"

Has always worked for me, usually get the whole weekend off!!


Just remember to act a wee bit depressed when you go back to work! beerchug.gif


Also anything to do with the hospital, eg: Get someone to phone in and say your being kept in for tests or summin.

they can't check up coz medical info is private, and down to the data protection act they can't disclose wether you were there or not!

Edited by morphius69
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Bushy said:

The thing is lawrence, i like my job, i like the company, i like my boss, hes a friend, but he said i cant keep taking unpaid days off, cos the other lads will see their arses, and i dont wanna use up my hols, but if thats the case its what i gotta do!!!


ahhh - nice 1 then m8 - ur 1 of the minorety nowerdays thumbs.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
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