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Claire DC

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Haha, you two are terrible [shocked] !!! Must say Claire, you're doing a fab job keeping us interested in our favourite passtime (after clubbing of course!!)


I've just deleted what I was going to post on the 'wet' subject, because it's uncharacteristic of me, and I don't want to give everyone an impression of me which is false.


So'll, I'll continue on being a little [angel] , but if you are interested in my comment, pm me!!

I am NOT a dj

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Originally posted by wub_wub:


Originally posted by tidyboy69:

i do enjoy a girl to be wet when im [censored] her, like it a bit dryer when giving oral tho.

Getting a woman's "juices" over my mouth is f^cking quality!

wub wub you don't leave much to the imagination do you??? But that's why we love.


Fish, you see why i didn't mention the whale. Ain't angel fish pretty though?? [Well Happy]

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Originally posted by Scream:


Originally posted by wub_wub:


Originally posted by tidyboy69:

i do enjoy a girl to be wet when im [censored] her, like it a bit dryer when giving oral tho.

Getting a woman's "juices" over my mouth is f^cking quality!

wub wub you don't leave much to the imagination do you??? But that's why we love.


Fish, you see why i didn't mention the whale. Ain't angel fish pretty though??
[Well Happy]

Don't even get me started on how mucht the taste/smell drives me wild.....

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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Originally posted by wub_wub:


Originally posted by Scream:


Originally posted by wub_wub:


Originally posted by tidyboy69:

i do enjoy a girl to be wet when im [censored] her, like it a bit dryer when giving oral tho.

Getting a woman's "juices" over my mouth is f^cking quality!

wub wub you don't leave much to the imagination do you??? But that's why we love.


Fish, you see why i didn't mention the whale. Ain't angel fish pretty though??
[Well Happy]

Don't even get me started on how mucht the taste/smell drives me wild.....

it's nice though ain't it??? [Well Happy]
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Originally posted by Belle:

Haha, you two are terrible
!!! Must say Claire, you're doing a fab job keeping us interested in our favourite passtime (after clubbing of course!!)


I've just deleted what I was going to post on the 'wet' subject, because it's uncharacteristic of me, and I don't want to give everyone an impression of me which is false.


So'll, I'll continue on being a little
, but if you are interested in my comment, pm me!!

Awww thanx hun...gotta keep it interesting i think [Razz] but is good to know people like the smut [Happy] Have PM'd u lol [Roll Eyes]

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Originally posted by alasdairm:

as with a lot of these questions, for me the answer is - it absolutely depends on the situation...


sounds like a cop-out but it's hard to generalise about love, lust and [censored]



I'm with alasdair on this one!!




Yoo's askin all these questions but IMO Sex is a top giggle and as long as I have loadsa fun I dont really care much for the perticulars! [Happy]


Just listening to Mr. Loverman (remember that?!)



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Don't rate it too much at all, not when your down on a bird, its disgustin man ! A littles ok but not too much [Puke]


When your on a session though goin large, def. the wetter the better ! [Well Happy]

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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