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[ CTW Suggestions ] - Please be honest on meet-ups

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  • CTW Admin

Hi People,


Recently I've noticed quite a few instances of where either myself, Sarah or Kev have arranged to meet people and then they are a no-show or they are impossible to get in contact with.


All I ask is that you are HONEST about whether you intend on meeting up with us at a specific time at a specific location or not as it really does take a lot of our time up planning some of these meet-ups and

we want to get on and enjoy the club/night as much as you do.


I do realise that we aren't all into the same styles of music and at the larger festivals we all want to be in different places with different friends but PLEASE just let us know what your plans are - or just dont

mention you are meeting us if you know you aren't going to be able to make it.


The reason this is important is that we really do want to turn this into a REAL clubbers community and stand out from the rest - if we have example after example that we are un-reliable then we will get a bad name and the newbies will

be put off.


We are all in this together and we all want to club together (and thats the purpose of this unique site) so lets [censored] together!


I've told 3 film companies this year that I'm not interested in doing some full-on filming with them for a number of reason. One of which was that I couldnt guarantee we would all stick together as there aren't enough of us quite yet to be

able to do so. Next year in Ibiza I REALLY DO plan to get 200+ of us - all in ONE hotel and then we can be filmed etc.. Again, this is only going to [censored] if we do all meet at specific times. I dont want this to sound like you're back at school

but I do now think we need some things in place so all the 'splinter groups' can reform at certain times.


Like I say when we are in Ibiza you can do what you want - you dont even have to come out clubbing if you dont want but please do let us know as soon as you can as to whether you can make something or not.


Sorry to winge but recently the last 2 events I've personally been on haven't been too good due to the poor attendance of those who said they were "definitely going"

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Clubbing the world together ...

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  • CTW DJs

James, Sarah, Creamy etc.


Apologies for not meeting at Creamfields, i had some major [censored] to deal with (fighting etc) amongst others


Next time - i promise



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  • CTW Promotors

Its not necessarily people not being able to make it to events that bother us but not being informed til the very last minute or even not at all. A simple text would do fine if you are unable to turn up rather than us hanging around unnecessarily at an arranged place. Its all worth while though when it all comes together & everyone is having a top time in a club or at an event smile.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Members

I think you all know what happened to me at GodsKitchen and that was the only time !!

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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