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getting your bum felt up by a stranger


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  • CTW Members

Well being from London, whenever someone even brushes past my bum, i get all paranoid and have to check that i've not been pick-pocketed!!

I don't get my bum felt up often enough by cute females for my liking - but it is wicked when you do and you turn around to see a tasty female standing there smiling at you ... such a rush grin.gif

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  • CTW Members

I have been chatted up once in the past 3 months, and that was by a bloke!!! (I am a straight male, just in case you wondered), I should be so lucky as to get a female pinch my bum!! frown.gif

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  • CTW DJs

I think for women it's different. If a man pinches a woman's arse, she's much more inclined to slap him one.


On the other hand however, a woman can pinch a man's arse all night, and he won't give a [censored].


Men are just easier to please, obviously. laugh.gif

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...seems not everyone after the wallet tho wink.gif nick..

im led to believe, blink guys like a cute bum grin.gif

keep on groping wub wink.gif

but the fake tail is a winner ....you tease you laugh.gif

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  • CTW Members

I've had my bum pinched a few times once by a bloke, crazy.gif but that wasn't the worst.


I went out to a crap club in Camberly called Jo Banana's about 4 years a go, I was walking past so girl and I had my bum pinch.

ed I turned around to say ello and she went straight for my Bo***cks shocked.gif now I was despirate but not that despirate. laugh.gif

A wiseman once said "Do or Do not there is no try" Sorry wrong one "I'm here for a Good time not a long time lets party"

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Feck, how do you quote on this?


Thanks for that Rainbowgurl.


I have been told I have a nice bum in jeans, but jeans never seems suitable attire for the clubs I go to frown.gif

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  • CTW Members

i have never had the good fortune to be felt up by a fit bird. admittedly a couple of guys have done it, and were good looking, but beingas i'm not gay........ not so good. frown.gif


But i do know some girls dont like it in the slightest, like an ex-[censored] colleague, who had someone kicked out of the nightclub for feeling her up.


Admittedly, she quite fine though, so maybe not sucha surprise it happened. laugh.gifsmile.gif

Whoops, didn't mean to do that!! 🙁 :thumbs:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • CTW Promotors

Happens to me all the time - ok so i do wear hotpants and pvc all the time but it doesnt give the right for blokes to have a good grope!!

I have punched people before over it - in Garlands @ Space the other week for one!

If they are really nice tho i may let them off! wink.gif

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