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(*eek, formatting is a bit screwed so I've attached as Excel spreadsheet - Office 2000 - on next post)


This will of course be automated and full searching capabilities back in place at some point but you may find this of use to find out which clubbers are "in your area" ...


Viva 42 Acacia Avenue

xopo99 A World Of Make Believe

canthink aberdeen

Freya Aberdeen

Mike Carey Actiondale, New Joisey

andy Aldridge / Birmingham

Nick Amsterdam

Rozallei Amsterdam

RaunchyBabe Amsterdam, Holland

wub_wub Anywhere but here

sherifski ashridge

garlandsboi at the front of the garlands que

KatieGirl Australia!

matthew james Aylesbury


divadan bath and beyond

Veg behind two decks and a mixer.........

bedroom_dj Belfast

Lucy Belfast

OTT Belfast

ajfrench Belfast, Northern Ireland (That peaceful place!)

hannah_carney Bexley

C@PPY Bexleyheath

CNELLC bexleyheath

Michael Bexleyheath

Natalie Bexleyheath

vespadave Bexleyheath

Claire Bexleyheath Kent

Kat Big Smoke

cyberchick birmingham

hinsley birmingham

messengerofsmith Birmingham

SoulHooligan Birmingham

specialk birmingham

watchyabassbinsimtellinya Birmingham

jasun Birmingham, UK

Mitzie dancer Birmingham/walsall

stryker blackburn - we all have a cross to bear

tooky B'mouth

RichAsskikr Bolton, Lancs

Teriaki Boston, MA

dsummerz2k bottom of uk up and left a bit

avitlargeuk2k Bournemouth

djtommy bournemouth

gemdalagem bournemouth

Terry Bournemouth

Chris Retro Bradford

Stressjunky Bradford

DAN Hurford Brighton

jacs brighton

Janice Wells Brighton

ksammybaby brighton

naomi Brighton

Tanya H Brighton

Smiley Brighton, UK

Cabby King Brighton/London

wilykit bristol

Dave_Logic Brixton - London

Jpike Bromley

wfleet Bromley

DallasMac Bubblin In Dublin!

shock button moon

gemz button moon/ preston

jaketherave C. Islands

Canadianbadass CANADA

savage666 canada

sebaube Canada

torovoltan64 caracas

nice1bruva cardiff

Robertgreen Cardiff

suck_it_and_see Cardiff, but im scottish

Nick G Charlton, S/E London

garygurner cherster

dannybeak Cheshire

jane cheshire

kjr42 Cheshire

Subliminal cheshire

Vix B Cheshire

peersy22 cheshire (near liverpool)

digitaldancefloor chester

fluffyboots Chester

Hel chester

TigerKrist Christchurch, New Zealand

Michael Ward Co.Durham

Amyblah Consett, Co Durham

ryan fin county wiltshire

mani Coventry

Mrk Coventry

CreamyC CreamyC World

Riddle Crewe

club monkeys Crewe cheshire UK

kinkykell Crewe..South Cheshire..

chickenmonster croydon

garethhill Cumbria

argste cyprus

in-ter-dance Darkest Essex!

leah.maddox dartford

KATIEUK80 Deeside

hanne100 denmark

gravy derby

Time devon

Magic Dubai

Hudini Dublin

saoirse Dublin, Ireland

Lushmickey Durham UK

King Ping e,mids

Jay H E.London

Julie Anne East Dulwich

Danny East London

Dakers East Sussex

matthew Eat Yeti.

Sky Blue Edinburgh

Stef Edinburgh

macoinit Edinburgh Acid City

BrianEm Edinburgh, Scotland

grahame1 Edinburgh, UK

eBoi Ellesmere Port - Cheshire

Becky Eltham

Maria Eltham

Mark Eltham

playford Eltham

Zoe & Lol Eltham

Dominator En-ger-land

Dink England

gazsaz2001 England

nynex England

Petrae Foy England

sophiemyddleton england

ria eppingforestcollege

Ben Essex

DJ Tiesto Essex

john wheatland Essex

midnightbomber Essex

Richard5 Essex

space chick essex

sammiesam Europe/Florida

Ross Falkirk, Scotland

cheeky Farm in bedfordshire........MOO!

petlowe Fat City......

FredTheBaddie Fat Tulip's Garden

eldrut29 fdsfdsf

bocajas Florida, USA

eldrut france

nellee frankfurt (soon to be sarfend-on-sea)

Ric_Miskimmon Friday to Sunday Im a bit MESSY!!!!!!

djshaggy From London living in Manchester

garlandsbuzzer garlands

Annelies germany

dannymac24 germany

Riceta Germany

Komodo Gibraltar

Gino Glasgow

Meryl Glasgow

shaggyduke Glasgow

signum1982 Glasgow

wildcat Glasgow

womble glasgow

jilly24 glasgow/london

extremesammy GLOS

Lia . B Gloucester

Nia Gloucester

smurf gosport hampshire

Boywonder Gotham

Ciara_R Greenwich, SE London

clairerobertshaw grimsby

clara-lou grimsby

corvin Grimsby

goshow5 grimsby

Screw Up Grimsby

notail guernsey

reveller guildofrd/surrey

Deluga Hamburg; but often seen doin it in the Pool (Liverpool that is)

SSDynasty904 Hamilton, NY / Washington, D.C.

hayleybarnard Hampshire

mcrame harlow

boshmaster Harlow Essex

Siobhan Harrow

Dj Pikeman Hastings

joleen 66 herts

joleen doye herts

pgoldsmith Herts

Kev Hinckley, although originally from the UK of Clubbing (North)

Dancing Diva Babe Holland

Dutch Delight Holland

Miranda Holland

Teska Holland

Mr Toight hollandsh!

bobby home

dj_doorly Huddersfield

feline Huddersfield

TidyKylie Huddersfield

gilly Ickle baby Leeds

mdinham Internet

MS Zee Ipswich

AlexX Ireland

Lady ireland

Karlio Isle of Man

rachpeach22 isle of wight

Blink It's grim up North (Birmingham)

Amie Kent

louisewarduk Kent

mitch kent

Prophet Kent

Space Funky Kent

The Prophet Kent

morganbrownlow Kent - bexley


mop_a_top Kettering, Northants

gabi kingston

sonicexperience la

Dogz Lancashire

peachyraver Langley

Beckie Leeds


biscuitmonsters.com Leeds

clubbing_Si Leeds

Diablo Leeds

dondo Leeds

FeralCat Leeds

GoTan24 Leeds

Holly Leeds

jojo leeds

LauraB Leeds

melanie moore leeds

nathanielhill Leeds

Paul H leeds

SarahPvc Leeds

shimmy Leeds

trancebabe Leeds

Wilkie Leeds

Shan Leeds, UK

Bloodygood leicester

Dancing Diva Leicester

jackie leicester

tidyboy69 leicester

j1983m leicester / yorkshire

tidy_girl Leicestershire

TrUz leicestershire

Minxy Leicster!!!

James Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire

Fluffy Raver Lincoln (Yawn)

Sweet as Kandi Lincs

alison liverpool

Beaker Liverpool

beckie in la la land Liverpool

beckieinlalaland liverpool

brielashes Liverpool

cathy farley Liverpool

christine liverpool

danielle1972 Liverpool

disco-stu liverpool

djx90 Liverpool


flakey dove liverpool

fuct_up Liverpool

garlandskate liverpool

gemzi liverpool

Goldmember Liverpool

Goldmember007 liverpool

Housewhore liverpool

ITVmonkey Liverpool

katie liverpool

KITTY liverpool


lms21live liverpool


nelson liverpool

Nursie G Liverpool

olivia.thomson liverpool

Pablo@Garlands Liverpool

philyc liverpool

Podiumprincess Liverpool

poppapill Liverpool

QuickFix Liverpool

sali liverpool

sally liverpool

sarah*p* liverpool

Sausage_Mat Liverpool

scouseladuk Liverpool

Scousestud Liverpool

Shellshock Liverpool

StarGazer Liverpool

stecoogan liverpool

Sye Liverpool

Tim Liverpool

Tresh Liverpool

vickylb liverpool

walob liverpool

wendy liverpool

Amelia Liverpool of course

godverdomme liverpool, L17

Liverbird Liverpool, UK

emissions Liverpool/Wirral

minnie mouse liverpool/wolverhampton, uk

aaron London

active London

amy London

apple1 london

Atomiccreations London

B London

Bobbymoore London

Bottle Of Water London

boy_wonder london

Brian the snail london

carotte London

Ceaser London

chrisb22 London

Chucky London

clubsane London

conda London

Coppa London

d.garton1 London

d4nny London

Dan London

Dave The Rave London

DJ_Sweet London

donna london

elliottstuart London


EZZA london

filthytart London

funkywill london

fuzzybird London

god london

Grants_Bird London


inno london

jack london

jacquigofaster London

Jakey London


JayX London

Jenny London

Jerry London

JoshWinx London

Joycey London

kathski London

Katie b London

kelza1 london

kiDdo8 London

Laura Everett London

liddleboy London

loathing London

madasafish London

mandymilburn London

Mankymoo London

MarkD London

MartinSmith London

MD London

mickeymoomoo London

Midge London

MJN London

mkrist London

Neel London

NethLyn London

Nina London

Obi London

pagey london

pander London


Pete London

pinkprincess London

pollybee London

rachie london

ricebelly London

Sam London

Sanchez London

SarRAAAH london

shaun@RedVelvet London

Shuffles London

simon472 London

SkyRaver London

smart.monkey london

space london

Stacey London

Stella Walker london

Stu London

Sunny london

Tanya London

Tara London

Tasha london

The Man London

Tidy Boy 2 London

Tiesto_fan London

Tony.P London

tonymarcic London

Tritium London

UCR London

Vishnoo London

Whizzer London

xlr8team London

yellow London

Zara London

star dancer london - south east

Ali London - UK

Ali Wilson London - UK

Shenlong London / nottingham uni

LuNaSeA London for now, NYC for later

BeBe London town

digital rex london town

maxine69 london town

*oddbal* London, but my spirit is in the north

pink_smurf London/Brighton

Captain_Mong London/Oxford

Michaela Londres

djmerkury Los Angeles

Bazgoodgreef Madchester

dowlers maidstone

georgie.69 Maidstone,Kent

Aamir Manchester

Aky Manchester

Claire DC Manchester

cyberdad Manchester

dale_see Manchester

davecp Manchester

Ian manchester

ilovepillsuk@yahoo.co.uk manchester

Jonesy115 Manchester

Kenikia Manchester

KeT KaT Manchester

Nicki Manchester

Pablo Manchester

polarporn Manchester

producer Manchester

stu a manchester

SundayTricky Manchester

wizzy bb manchester

Bextor Manchester/Slough

Davies Manchester/Stalybridge

twig manchester/stockport

mbarr5222 maryville, tn

slewis Merseyside

drsteph Miami, FL USA

LibbyVanDyke Middlesbrough

michelle c middlesbrough

jemma middlesbrough (Redcar)

Daddy Midlands

james morris midlands

MItz Midlands

nukular_rokkit midlands

Ross.Rocks Midlands

Sunny d kid midlands

buggedout Milton Keynes

Fenian Milton Keynes

UKRich Milton Keynes

Belle Montreal

TinaFaouaz Montreal

Trevor Moortown, Leeds

Deefer Dj MORETON !?!??!

one phat deejay motherwell, scotland

PeachyLips007 Mushy Brain Land

carolyn my own little world

kerney N. Ireland

ronnie_d n. yorks.

Ikon N.Wales

Lazy Near Coventry

northeast_magic near newcastle

Freano Near to Brighton, Sussex

spaced never never land

wallbiz New York, New York.>USA

Noda P New Zealand

stuartelliott Newbury

djchristemple Newcastle

benosler Newmarket

nice1bruvva norff laaandon

Bunnykins North London

freestyle North London

donnie brasco north wales

Pinky North Wales

ComfortablyNumb North West London

DJ_Squelch north yorkshire (big up the yorkshire massive)

FunktAgain Northampton

Niki Northampton

Lush Puppy Northern Ireland

PowerPig norwich

andy_martin nottingham

cheakysmurf nottingham

filthygee Nottingham

lizrah nottingham

Kazuwal Nottingham (from liverpool)

UkClubbingbabe Notts.

peachravers Nth London

chucky-c nutfield

Damo Ohhhh jus here.

BobTheBuilder On Site

malicajenta Ontario, Canada

missmbg oregon usa

schnarf Osaka, Japan

LookNgood Oslo Norway

Chemical out there

jarv over there

aamiraslam Oxford

jon oxford

mattd Oxford

oxonraver oxford

Pearce Oxford

kinkyCorina Oxford and London!

X Oxford UK

george+livy Oxford,UK

rainbowgurl oz

Paranoid Pete Para Land

camhillaus Perth, Western Australia

HomeCentury Petersfield

Porn Star Promoter Porn City

Jola Portsmouth

daniel.gilbert Rat&Parrot

Rob D Reading

Vix1 Reading

mash'ed Redhill

BigMuff Romford

Mikey P Romford Pig Farm

Karen Rotherham

AIDO Round The Bend!

Carla Rugby

Keith Hollingsworth Runcorn (near Liverpool)

juan pablo saturday night runcorn the vegas of the north...but shiter

whatisbeak Runcorn, Dairy Farm of the Heavens

alasdairm San Francisco, CA

adeibiza Santa Eulalia, Ibiza

Monkey Monkeyson Sarf London

carrie Scotland

khill scotland

Ciara SE London

stacey21 SE London

Scream Sheff

Chedda Sheffield

Bladeclubber Sheffield- Waiting for Gatecrasher to start.

Angela Sidcup

Gemma Barnes Sidcup, Kent

v.tear Sidcup, kent

andyanderson Skipton

Dinger Sleaford, Lincs. UK

Dr-Gonzo Slinky

damianpower Slough

Joe Slough

TidyTraxGrant Slough

elvis Solihull

Glowworm Some club somewhere, stompin' hard!

Podiumgirl somewhere so far gone i cant return

Citizen Dildo Somewhere Warm!!!!!!

Midge1 Soon to be London

ickle loudy souf london!

Junkie south coast

Skippy South Coaster

pike South East London

Ohmydays South East London - Eltham

RHCC South Ken

dj_elemental South Wales UK

pocket raver southampton, hampshire

cgdesigneruk South-East - Near London

christian southend (essex)

Big_ee69 Southfields - London

C space

whizzed spalding,England

xxbubzyxx st albans

Nadya Logic St Albans, Herts

kroshka2002 St. Albans

Sophie St. Albans

Jane99 St.Albans, Hertfordshire

boo staffs

little miss naughty star land

clemence stoke

mattnewmo stoke on trent

laura sumerset

HelenP Sunderland

Kazmataz Sunny Snottingham

Pepsicola surrey

Routemaster Surrey

Ollie sussex

ClubAddict sw england

Jasie B SW London

OpaqueJake SW4

stefspec Sweden

colin66 Swindon, UK

prism007 Sydney

Tinky Winky Teletubbyland

chameleoncluber Telford, UK

Silicone15 Texas

Jizzer Thailand

TomD The big juicy Edin-burger

sugarat The Hexamon Nexus

The PigMan The Land Of Moderating

sophieb the local pig farm

popples The moon

HooverLips The Nam, Kent

Big Dunc's Hair The People's Republic of Liverpool

easyGuy The Wirral, Merseyside

dan p Top secret location in Leeds

klubkiddcutie Toronto, Canada

TorontoClubbers Toronto, Canada

fintbeast Torquay

phluxed tqy

HayleyX Uckfield

Ballerinababe Uckfield, East Sussex

666 uk

Bagel UK

bigjohnhorse uk

djandymartin.com UK

f41ch41 UK

ghage UK

ginge UK

michelle_00237 UK

Progressive Movement uk


sarah p uk

stav uk

SteveW2k1 UK

urbanher0 underground

asha United Arab Emirates

Mr Peterson United States

sambuka Up North

LiQuid_J Up your bum, pulling a cork after me, and making sure you wear pampers

sexyasfck upmyownarse

ashley4480 US

Jon frennan USA

kirk Walters USA

bex18 wales

ClubberDJ Wales

Natty Wales

wocky20012002 wales

larry watford

addy2hotty Watford, Herts

anita Welling

Jamie Welling

Jodie G Welling


Stella Welling

Bell Welling, Kent

dj_funkyb west yorkshire

James Gollicker Weston-s-Ding!!!!

angel Wigan

lostinbyron@hotmail.com Wiltshire

Tantalus Wiltshire

tall paul21 wimbledon

mac windsor

bliss is a smile wirral

DuDu Wirral

Fish Wirral

minpud wirral

rovers r ace wirral

scoff WIRRAL

swizzles Wirral

Camden Nurse Woking, Surrey.

Mr Christian Wood Green London

Snoogans Woodford, Essex


T:Spoon Worcester

eddie World Tourin'

club_nutter Wrexham

MrLion Wrexham

Garlands fire x

acidman Yorkshire

carriestar17 yorkshire

Charlotte Yorkshire

Charly Yorkshire

Christie Yorkshire

Guyver Yorkshire

pete_n Yorkshire

special K your mums pants.



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