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all lads do it, only difference is some admit it.





don't believe that sorry... if you really love someone and they make you happy then I think there is plenty of lads out there that would stick with what they had.


I will agree with there being alot more temptations about than there was years ago in relationship and I would say it is a very large percentage of relationships fail due to reasons like this and among others like selfishness and insecurity... but I like to think that makes it even more of a goal to aim for when you do find someone you really like


Surely it's something to be more proud of having a loving and lasting relationship with somone you love for years rather than playing the field for the rest of your life... isn't it? you have to wonder sometimes I know... but I wouldn't give up... suppose you just have to be lucky.




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Just on a slight tangent, I think a lot of the time people stray is down to a lack of communication.

If people have problems with their relationship, why can't they talk about it, instead of bottling it up inside, until it becomes a much bigger problem. This is when things go wrong.

As far as I'm concerned, the secret of a good relationship is communication, get that, and you're sorted ! wink.gif

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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Agreed - Communication along with Trust is right at the top of my list. If you havnt got either - you've got nothing !

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I cheated on my current g/f almost a year ago now with an ex, but was left off the hook.

I was pissed as a cun* and i know that is no excuse.


It was prob. the worst thing i ever did and it taught me one big lesson about relationships.


I couldn't / wouldn't do it again , ever , it's bang out of order and defeats object of being taken anyway.

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
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Comfortably Numb said.... Surely it's something to be more proud of having a loving and lasting relationship with somone you love for years rather than playing the field for the rest of your life... isn't it?


Too true, just that some of us are very stupid and it takes us a bit longer to figure this one out, but I have got it sussed at last, so it is monogamy for me from now on.


In my experience, there are 3 reasons for cheating


i) You are just a selfish arsehole who will never change

ii) There is a problem within the relationship

iii) The cheater has "issues", and should seriously consider whether they should be in a relationship in the first place.



The doctor is.....In

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Good point - Not talking about it is the easy way out! This doesn't just go for girl-boy relationships, but any personal or business relationship!


I have never cheated, although I must admit, the desire has been there! I have a very heavy conscience!



I am NOT a dj

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i dont cheat but have been cheated on and i agree it hurts like hell , makes you wanna cheat back to see how they like it.. there is of course the option of both of you both cheating with the same person like a threesum tongue.gif and then its not really cheating is it confused.gif

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I like your thinking there, Anna tongue.gif !

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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If some one cheats on you once its their fault but if they do it to u twice its yours!


it really doesnt get you anywhere! i was caught once and that once was certainly enough for me to never ever ever do it again! if someone does it to you punish them really fuckin hard, and trust they will never do it again. smile.gif

About as innocent as a Nun doing pressups in a Cucumber field

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I havent ever cheated but i have been the other woman (recently) he got back with his ex for the baby but we still liked each other and we tried not to but couldnt help it, i know im stoopid but i just really enjoyed the time spent with him and my feeling clouded and still do/would what the situation was, oh [censored] it, i cant explain but im hurting!! Even more stoopid is id have em back even after what they said on sat night frown.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
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