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Going the Gym .......


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Who goes the gym here ? I used to go religously 4 times a week, but since I've had this flu bug thing, I just can't get the motivation to go back. I havn't been for 2 weeks. I was psyching myself up to going tonight, but when I left [censored], I just couldn't be arsed and just went home. How do you motivate yourself into going again ... once I'm there I'm fine in just getting back into it !!! frown.gif

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I use to go religiously 5 days a wk and do 10 k runs 3 times a wk!!! then i found ctw!!!!!!!! laugh.giflaugh.gif and just go clubbin instead!

actually lost weight when i stopped going so not much of incentive really!! I did start going again a few weeks ago - then I got flu bug and havn't been either,well i go but my gym has pool n sauna so i end up jsut going there! def gonna start next wk back in gym tho! reckon a good way to get back into it is go to classes liek circuit training as it's a specific time to set yourself to go every wk and a real killer so gets u back into it quick!!! grin.gif

Elly - u know ur gym rung me up offering me free ticket? well if it's still ok to go - i'll come with ya one day after [censored] if ya want!!

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I still go religously 4/5 times a week - cardio then weights. Find it hard on a monday after clubbing but find it helps me get over the weekends a lot quicker plus makes you feel a lot better in yourself.

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This time last year I was going 3/4 times a week - 2 hour lunch breaks. Since then I've had xmas and new year and then got into "cant be arsed mode", plus the fact that they've stomped down on 2-hour-taking-the-piss-lunchbreaks at [censored], and by the time you've got changed, showered, jacuzzi, sauna, showered & changed and walked back its already used 55 minutes of your 1 hour lunch - leaving 5 minutes to actually excerise - of this I require a 10 minute warm up and cool down - so I'm fooked.


Did dream up this ridiculous concept of going BEFORE [censored] once laugh.gif

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My old man stopped smoking and started going to the gym religiously, 5x a week evry morning before [censored].


He was 16stone and started to do this about 8 months ago. He is now about 13 stone and looks so much better. Colour has gone back into him.


I do something 2 - 3x a week, usually a few hours playin football a couple of days and often, me & a mate play badminton - that is one sport that exhausts you.


Successfully stopped smoking about 8 weeks ago after nearly 3 years as well and feel so much better for it.

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
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I try to go to the gym lots, used to go on my lunch break sometimes 5 times a week when I was working full time, just to do weights mainly. But now i'm back at uni i'm too knackered at when I finish, and i normally still have loads of [censored] to do at home. I've got to get back with the program esp with Chrimbo coming up!


Last time I went to the Gym on a Monday after clubbing I actually thought I was going to die! It was just too much effort. I only lasted about half an hour and started feeling very very ruff. crazy.gif

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Used to go 6 times a week. Only time I didn't go was a sunday as it opened too late for me as I used to [censored] on a sunday morning and it shut by the time I finished.


Went on hols for 2 weeks and never really got back into it. That was 2 years ago now! I want to try get back into it, pick up the weight I lost not training (lost 2 1/2 stone!) and do something with my time other than sit on my @rse, do funk all and occasionally go out on the spangle! laugh.gif

Out to lunch...

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I go loads..ususally 5/6 times a week, unless i'm really [censored] after clubbing, or very tired. Have been doing this for best part of ten years.


Motivating urself is the worst: dogz et al.


1)Doing classes, circuits, boxing khai bo aerobics or whatever, as the instructors get paid to motivate you. I personally get loads of motivation by doing aerobics, as it's normally me and loads of (fit) girls with lovely arses, to look (tho not STARE PLEASE) at. Getting the moves is a very difficult curve tho. Gravpevine easy walk repeater sashay travelling rudi everyone (that last bit is to prove to the women that i can do aerobics!!)


2)Chaninging routine wvery six months year is good..i spent a long time running, not really doing weights...now i do weights and don't run, do classes, when i didn't b4.


3)Going a chain gym that lets u go to any of it's clubs is good to then u can go at home [censored] when u are away.


4) get a personal trainer if u can afford it.


5) get a gym buddy so u motiavte each other.








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Normally go at least twice a week. Keep meaning to go three times a week, but I never get round to it. Used to go swimming as well, but that was before Ibiza, and I've just not got back into it.

The more I go out during the week, the less I gym.

Have to [censored] out tho, otherwise I'd go mad !!

Fred The Baddie
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