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Reasons why my day has kicked arse so far

Wub Wub

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- I've got my washing done, hence all my nasty smelly Tidy weekender sweat drenched clothing is no more. Plus I can change my pants.


- My review of the last GK all-nighter (Picotto, Laurence, Mistress Barbara) has made it into Mixmag this month, and the accompanying photo doesn't look that bad. Even if they didn't credit me as Wub Wub like I asked mad.gif


- I've got an interview with Ms Dynamite lined up for next week, which the powers that be have decided is to be filmed and broadcast somewhere as well. (this makes another person who says I have good camera prescence, apparently)


- Am going to see Shy FX play tonight down the Old Firestation in Bournemouth, and it was only £3.50 a ticket. Noice!


- Got my Tidy London tickets for me and the missus in the post this morning.


- Have got over my comedown off Tidy Weekender, despite feeling like crap last night whilst working down the union.


All in all, a good day! (except I haven't heard off my other half yet frown.gif )

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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Well done matey sounds like your day has been GGGRRRRREEEAAATTTT like tony the tiger!!! Me and Claire have had a pretty [censored] up day,fink we are still recovering.

Good luck with the Ms Dynamite interview.


Just have it like you know i would! :bigwink:
MSN- Geordie_becky@hotmail.com

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  • CTW Admin

funny you should mention "tony the tiger" - that was the cover design for the first CD I got from Tony P - classic design - I think it was his mate who did it


remind me tony what his name was !?

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I've got an interview with Ms Dynamite lined up for next week

Ha ha ha ha ha !! This is a joke, right ?

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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