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  • CTW Admin

Saw kev got CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com - thought it was a wicked idea and better than having @hotmail.com - tried to register JamesCTW@Hotmail.com - but someone else already has ?!! ok dudes- own up !!!


Anyway - just reg'd ClubTheWorld@Hotmail.com - so this will be my new MSN account ! (want it seperate to my [censored] msn chat name!)


Please re-add me !

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James. m8


Stop being paranoid, Hotmail is global...Millions of peeps have a hotmail account, thats why you see jsmith5687@hotmail.com cos mr or ms jsmith was 5687th in the queue for his /her own name.


Why don't you try JamesCTWDo1@hotmail.com or write to JamesCTW@hotmail, to see wether they are still using the account?


Course it could be Kev winding you up, or sophie, or Popples...



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