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What is an imboseil?!!

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The word is imbecile, and yes it means someone who is stupid, or of low inteligence. Pronounced Im - Ba - Seal.


As to where it came from, who knows, it's just a word. Other words you could throw back are:


Idiot, pillock, dim, thick, dull, foolish, dense, mindless, asenine, harebrained, all of which are similar in meaning to imbecile!!


She doesn't sound very nice.





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  • CTW Promotors
Idiot, pillock, dim, thick, dull, foolish, dense, mindless, asenine, harebrained


Dont be so hard on yourself Big man, you're not that bad!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
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  • CTW Admin

Do you mean imbecile, you imbecile? If so, it means "idiot" and come from French and thus no doubt originally from latin. This doesn't give the derivation of imbecile but does for some similar words...



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