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Self Pleasure


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I don't do it very often. When you're in a relationship, you don't generally need to hehe!!


I am assuming that you are female hun,,,,cos if you were a male in a relationship or not, you wopuld need to do it, belive me...once a day, every two days, or three days.....for most guy's it's like clearing thier throats!!



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Haha! Yes, very female!!


Belle is short for Tinkerbell, my real name is Tina so Tinker used to be a nic from some friends. :)


And where do you get your name from grin.gif


ps - Scream's supposed to get my piccy to James when he gets back home from London, so everyone can see what I look like!!!!

I am NOT a dj

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Me? Well, I've got an early start, so if i stop now I won't get going again. I can sleep on the coach to London tomorrow, but for now I'm keeping myself active til about 9am when I've got to go to [censored].


Silly I know, but I know what I'm like if I stop. It ain't worth it.

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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EE for Ian, which is my first name...ie, EE the phonetic pronnuciation of the diminutive of my name..


Big EE was what my mates started to call me...and 69 is the year of my birth...


I've been having sex for over 12 years now (I'm 26),
mmm thats the thing about woemn, start earlier, have more experience...cos they can!!!, and society has the quaint notion that they are supposed to be shy and demure!!!....


Guy's can be big on 'playing' with themselves in front of thier girlies too!!, but dress it up a bit more....ever heard the expressions:


"pearl necklace" and "harry on the boat" hun?



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Sixty nine? hehe, just kidding :)


And they call you EEEEEE when they've had a few pints and can't form words correctly? Hehe laugh.giflaugh.gif


When I was younger I didn't forecast it to the world that I'd started having sex at such an early age. At this point in my life, why would I hide it? Up until recently, I've dated older men (mainly due to the jobs I've had as a younger woman and therefore the men I'd meet!).


Pearl necklace haha! That's actually quite vulgar where I'm from. But seeing as we're in the smut forum, I thought it was perfectly appropriate tongue.gif And for all you know 'playing with myself' could mean trying to touch my nose with my tongue smirk.gif - haha!! Harry on the boat, never heard of that one laugh.giflaugh.gif


Oh dear, I don't mean to sound bitchy, but I've just worked 30 hours in 2 days and am a little cranky poor baby.gif

Edited by Belle

I am NOT a dj

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i know but para bout it being downloaded cluck cluck cluck


some sub text going on here...please peeps can we be a bit clearer, i've been wondering what you two have been going on about all week!!


Pearl necklace haha! That's actually quite vulgar where I'm from. But seeing as we're in the smut forum, I thought it was perfectly appropriate And for all you know 'playing with myself' could mean trying to touch my nose with my tongue - haha!! Harry on the boat, never heard of that one


Belle....glad you thought pearl neckless was vulgar but appropriate!!...cos 'Harry on the boat' is worse!!!


It's cockney rhyming slang....


'Harry', short for 'Harry Monk' (A long forgotten east end character) which rhymes with Spunk...or Semen....

...On The 'Boat' or 'Boat Race' rhymes with 'face', so it means cuming on someone's face!!, as opposed to tit's in 'Pearl neckless'!!






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