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Red Bull and clones should be banned


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  • CTW Members

I must have had going on five cans of the evil Red Bull clone tonight -- "Love stimulation drink" -- and I'm positively buzzing. eek.gif I've just come back from the Spar where every Mini Roll and every pork pie was glistening under the fluorescent strips.


It just makes you feel so [censored]. I'm yawning but not properly tired, just in an absolute state.


Red Bull and all of its evil clones should be banned !! I don't understand how this stuff is legal if pills/etc aren't, because it totally screws you over, especially combined with alcohol.


On a lighter note, all you XLR8/Tidy people should be getting back pretty soon and it's about time we heard about indeed how hard your houses were tonight!


zzzzzzzzzzzzz must.... sleeep ......

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I've never found it to be that stimulating to be honest, I think it works for some and does nothing for others, like me, when consuming it.


XLR8 was pretty bangin by the way. flash.gif

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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  • CTW Members

tidy was wicked (I just love that place luvu.gif!)apart from having to leave at 4 and go striaght to [censored] (being at [censored] mashe d- not fun after 1st couple of hours eek.gif - feel like [censored] now, off 4 much needed zzzzzzzz zzz.gifzzz.gifzzz.gif

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  • CTW DJs

vodka redbull is the alcoholic equivalent to e - its actually been provern (i think)


will have to find the documentation on this again cuz its quite an interesting read

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

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  • CTW DJs

because it totally screws you over, especially combined with alcohol.


i did that on the weekend, 1 red bull, 3 double vodka, cider and wat ever the girls put in my class, WKD maybe? anyways, I can say that it really did do the trick! nut.gifnut.gif


but i don't recommend it if your gonna dance or perform on stage disappointed.gif

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