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How was your weekend?

DJ Elemental

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  • CTW DJs

Hey peeps how are ya?


Im pretty good like, had a pretty good weekend, went to a small club called Emmas in town wid a few friends, met my old singer there which was nice, ain;t seen her in a while.


I been busy as usual. I contacted Tidy Trax their interested in hearing some of my music so im trying to get the banging hard house CD finished 3 months before its due to be argh!


Im also waiting to hear from GateCrasher. I have a woman friend who knows someone from gatecrasher, shes suppost to be passing on my demo track to them, should be intersting to hear what they think of it.


Also can anyone give me a insight to this CTW Party, I'd love to attend, but being in south wales it may prove dificult, so if anyone call fill me in out in I would be greatful, i'll do my best to try and attend grin.gif


Im bored in college, doing bstard spreadsheets =VLOOKUP(J6,A6:B10,2) Blah, anyways i better got on wid my [censored], speak to you in abit!

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had a pretty mad one! went to garlands, then to a party (which was crap)


then stayed up last night drinking and smoking the left overs!!


also i am thinking about writing a book about my beckieisms.


i came out with the most pathetic line to a guy i pulled.


''i have somthing to tell you,

my hairs not real and i wear glasses with one arm...but im really horny''


how crap is that?!!! i am going red just thinking about it!!



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Last night 2 DJ's saved my life


(Strange Dave & Dangle's set at afterSS turned the night from boring to amazing)


Beckie, there should be more women like you, I wouldn't mind being chatted up, even if it was with a line like that!!!


In the past 2 months, I have had 2 people come on to mel, both at afterSS, and both male confused.gif


Guess it is cool someone finds me attractive, but there were 3 cute women out last night, one obviously wasn't interested, one was smiling at me half the night, then just walked over, said "bye", and left confused.gif And one I went to a house party cos I was told she'd be there, and she wasn't cry.gif


Ah well....


Last night 2 DJ's saved my life

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my wkd was amazing!!!! and (sorry blink but it has to be said) i kinda pulled!!! grin.gifgrin.gif



occations like that r few and far between so i'm not gonna count my chickens b4 they've hached and say it was just 2 adults being friendly in a club cool.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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Hey, Mr_Happy, is cool you "kinda pulled", I ain't against other people pulling.


i think we all need to spread our love...what do you reckon?!!!


I reckon "Are you gonna be at the CTW club night?" wink.gif

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  • CTW Promotors

I had a manic weekend that started on thurs at Cupid. Tried to have a quiet one on fri but house was suddenly bombarded with wrecked people so had another late one. Sat - Tidy London then went to Leeds for Sundissential North. Then back to after-party then home this evening!

Most enjoyable tho!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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I had a wicked w/end. Went to a halloween party and got very drunk. It was fancy dress and every1 really made an effort with their costumes. One of my mates got this amazing grim reaper/death costume with a proper sythe, it looked really realistic. At pub kicking out time we got him to wander around outside and point at people as they walked by. He freaked loads of people out it was hysterical.


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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My weekend was cool - see this post!


The only annoying bit was meeting a lovely Australian girl called Alex, but forgetting to get her number (even after her friend reminded me too at the end of night knob.gif ) Now unless I track her down in Cambridge, I have no hope of seeing her again!


Absolutely gutted!




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Yeahy I love car park party's especially after Slinky when they have them down by the beach. Shame about the girl, does the club have a website with a forum? She maybe trying to track you down too smile.gif


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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  • CTW Promotors

Let me quash those visious evil bastard rumours that I got chucked out of XLR8, THIS IS NOT TRUE and I understand the cause of this was Tony P, he has been dealt with and you wont be seeing him round here again! I lost everyone as soon as we got in there ALTHOUGH I DONT KNOW HOW seeing I was dressed as a twat! FOOLS! I left there about 6 with some fellow clubbers I met from Camden, I left there to then go to Tony P's about 9ish and then up to Leeds for Sundissential! END OF STORY!


I would like to aplogise however to those of you that did text me on Sunday morning, the only person that did recieve a reply was FredTheBaddie and thats only coz I was told PHIL REYNOLDS was round Tony's house! Once again I was LIED TO!


I would like to thank SarahPVC for organising the tickets for the train and escorting house to and from the club and round it as well!


I would like to kick the [censored] out of Tony for no apparent reason!


I would like to ask James what the [censored] happened to him let alone me!


And I would like to say a big fat [censored] YOU to the complete tosser of a wank bouncer who had more than a face to be ashamed of!


Thank you for reading!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW DJs

My weekend was /\/\essy, but FUCKIN excellent.


.Cupid on thursday

.mad session on friday (surpossed to be quiet night in)

.Tidy London on saturday

.Sundissential on Sunday

.After party on Monday


Cheers for a top weekend everyone, Its been one to remember thumbs.gif

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Hello Creamy, where the fu** were you hiding in XLR8 then, because me & Tara searched the whole place for you! And didn't you change out of your Lionel gear? confused.gif


PS Katie say's to say hello, She wants to join up so i'll probably reg her 1 night this week!! grin.gif

Bam, bam, boogie, say up jump the boogie, to the rhythm of the boogie to beat!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yeah where were you creamy??? We spent quite a while at the front of the stage so I'm very surprised you didn't see us???!!!!

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