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Creamy Does Dallas 2 - TITLE UN-NAMED!


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@CreamyC Worldwide UK Productions Films Ltd PLC are proud to announce the return of Creamy Does Dallas 2! Good news for ClubTheWorlders is that most people have parts to play in this new film which will be revealed shortly, as yet the second film is yet to be named as there was a block on the original name by the 'Womens Rights' now known as 'Animal Rights' apparently for its sexist title but just to piss them off it was going to be called 'Ultimate Birdage'. Following on the first box office trash and scrapings of around £125.98p none of the original characters will be in it, instead ClubTheWorlders have parts to play. The latest parts now confirmed are as follows, more will come in the next few days including wub wub, Elly and Tasha:

@James plays James 'Rent Boy' Arkindass: James is Creamy's bitch, he does and says anything Creamy wants him to, he follows him around and helps him out with his fan base - which covers 4 people - his mum, dad, SarahPVC and God! James says of his part "I am really pleased to be playing a rent boy, I've always wanted to be a rent boy and the fact I will be playing Creamy's rent boy makes all the more satisfying to play, I cant wait"

@Tony P plays Tony Neverbe: World famous ClubTheWorld DJ Tony P gets to play Tony Neverbe, a DJ that wants to be but will never be, "I'm really looking forward to playing a part so much like myself, Tony will be seen as a wannabe but will in fact never be, its cool because I really wont have to act, it'll just be me in real life, thank you Creamy for giving me such a great part"

@TidyTraxGrant plays Ronnie Chefton: Ronnie is a great bloke, friendly and always willing to help. However, his taste in music is crap, he thinks he knows about tunes but knows nothing, he recommends dance tracks that only your 10 year old sister would listen to but convinces himself he has all the knowledge you need to know about. "I'm really looking forward to playing Ronnie" says TTG "hes a bit like myself really, nice, friendly and know bollock about music, its going to be ace man"

@FredTheBaddie plays Peter StringChellow: Peter is a stud, or so he makes out, he is the bastard of all bastards, he'll go for any age and doesn't care if she has a boyfriend or not, he'll snatch her, "Well you know how it is" says Fred "hes a bit like me really, I cant help it if girls fancy me, its just the way I am, oh sorry, this is the character we're talking about right?" Yes Fred, we are!

@Tara plays Rachel: Rachel is the clued up clubber, she knows all there is to know about clubbing, she loves it, the only problem is that Rachel is only 10 years old and doesn't look very old therefore she has problems getting into clubs. She also sucks dummies but then again she is 10! "I'm really looking forward to sucking dummies and to be playing a part where I have problems with clubs I should really fit in playing her" She also has a secret pining for Creamy!

@Lia plays Lia Withabee: Lia B's character has been witheld and is still under construction!

@Claire DC plays Lucy Wannabe: Lucy is a wannabe to the highest degree, she is good mates with Tony Neverbe, they both have one thing in common - they are both pining DJ's, Lucy also has a secret pining for CreamyC but hates to admit it in fear of being rejected, she gets jealous when he talks to other girls and would do anything for him, Claire says "Its wicked to be part of ClubTheWorld, its even wickeder to be part of a great film which I know is going to be a great success" Unfortuntately Claire has not been told there is no such word as wickeder.

@Sophie plays Suzie Quo: Suzie is a nice enough girl who tries hard, she leaves a group of people vowing never to return only for there to be a massive comeback in a few days, she is liked but has her fair few run-ins with people, she is the love interest of James but has constant arguments due to his commitment to CreamyC and her secret liking of him. Unfortunately Sophie was unavailable for comment on her character as she had 'left' the site.

@SarahPVC plays Sarah Pines Vor C: Sarah is the experienced clubber, people look upon her as the mother figure, mess with Sarah and you'll get your arse kicked, Sarahs surname is very appropriate, "Pines Vor C" in English means "pines for c" re-arranged means "pines for CreamyC". She covers up her true feelings by dating another CTW member by trying to hurt Creamy - with no effect! Sarah, with a smile on her face says "I've been everywhere, I've met people all over but nothing can compare to the day I joined ClubTheWorld and meeting CreamyC although I'd like to say that all the rumours about our 'off-screen' affair are untrue, I'm not saying it'll never happen though"

@big_ee69 plays Harry Brum: Harry is a thoroughly nice bloke, he goes clubbing, rides his bike and watches trains on platform 10 at Euston Station. He is always happy to share his collection of stamps with people and shares his clubbing experiences with others too. Big says "Completely unrealistic, unbelievable, not true is the way I sum up Harry, its going to be difficult to adapt to play such a varied character, he seems alot of fun to play" Harry gets a sensational plot at the end of the film, what happens is quite stunning - he gets a girlfriend!

@alasdairm plays Mo Nur: Mo Nur is the great believer in saneness, he believes that no one should argue about pettyness, hes the calmness of calm, the chillout of chill, he will turn any heated argument into a happy 'lets have a group hug' one much to Creamys disgust. People like Mo, hes a man of knowledge and everyone turns to him when in need of advice. Unfortunately due to time difference between London and San Francisco we were unable to get alasdairm's views on his character but is said to be very happy and pleased he is in the film

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Class!! Written warning no 1 will be removed for continuation of the story on a daily basis!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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LOL, you bandit !

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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The script will have to be vetted by my agent. I don't want a reputation for starring in rubbish productions. As long as there's plenty of loud music, narcotics and nudity I'm in! hump.gif

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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I can hardly wait for the next installment of this thrilling story, and marvel at it's well constructed story line and excellent use of grammar.

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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