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  • CTW Admin

these are totally diff from each other -

1) inspired by wub_wub i have to ask - where are u from and are u lazy (it has come to my attention that northeners (including me) are lazier than southeners and always at the dole queue?) gotta c if this one is true.


2) and the age old question - what is ure fave tune atm??


mine has to be Tidy Boys - Over The Line


1st heard it at Tidy weekend 2 and was nearly in tears lol



  • CTW Members

Lazy but efficient - south

  • CTW Members



Look who dug up the most coal the keep the southern namby pambies warm.


Fav tune:

On Ilkla Moor Bha't Hat


why won't my misus give me anal?

  • CTW DJs

v lazy - south



tune: theres a few going round that i kept screeming "i love this tune" this wkd, most where techno tunes by the likes of D.A.V.E the drummer and the ruitemasters but there was also sum BK tune due to be relised in 3 weeks as well

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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