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1 of me most surreal expearences i've ever had clubbing :)

Mr Happy

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it was back in may of this year (2002 if ur reading this next year) and it was @ CODE.


carl cox was behind the decks playing his usual blend of funk and techno for 6 solid hours and misstress barbara had already warmed the crowd up into a frenzy the 3 hours before


i had, however, missed the 1st hour of coxy and misstress barbara in her entirety as i'd just arrived from insomniacz so the bpm coxy was spinning @ seem to be a snails pace compared to the manic hardhouse records being dropped by andy farley (v v v hard set he played). plus i'd not long before dropped my 1st every half so i was on a difference level than any previous experences i had to go by.


the atmosphear was amazing - ppl were sooo chilled yet still really up-for-it. and so so friendly.


the music was really amazing - u could hear samples being thrown over 3 spinning records and then in a matter of seconds coxy would have a completely different tune playing with his lightning quick mixing. at 1 point he had a bassline from one record, the percousion from a 2nd record and intermix with all that was the piano cords from a 3rd record all mixing - however coy used the power of the CODE sounds system to its best and had the piano cords playing 1 note off a different speeker.


i was left gobsmaked - thinking my pill had gone wrong and i was gonna die but then the bloke standing next to me said:


"r the speekers broken or is carl cox sending that tune to different speekers"


"thank god its not just me!" i replyed



i'm still left witha warm glow from that night and it was well over 6 months ago now - purely legendary stuff from the big man grin.gif


did ne1 else go? how did u find the event?

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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it was an amazing wkd


i did sundisential, insomniacz and CODE all in 2 nights and 1 day grin.gif


and i was blown away. didn't go to c coxy, but i'm bloody glad i did go. now is my fav DJ grin.gifgrin.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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