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Whats the best night you've ever had in a club?


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You my well have had this post before, but bollox, i am too lazy to scroll through page after page of posts!

So i'm startin one up!!!! lol :cool:

My fave night was watching the ondon philharmonic orchestra do bach's 5 millionth symphony in hard trance minor, in a little shack off the M56! :BANGHEAD:

Whoaaaa there bushy!!!!!!!! Slow down!!!!! Whooooaaaaaaaa!!!!

Actually it was last summer in Ibiza, GK @Eden, John oo, Armin, and Fergie all under one roof! Armin played the set of the holiday for me! I was glued to the dancefloor, while my head went walkabout round the island! :tongue: lol

Then after non stop beating of the floor with my eet i continued to eat beans as if they were tic tacs, til i don't remember how many i had! and my mate going mad cos i ate them all for the rest of the hols! lmao

Oh and also havin a beer with Fergie at 7am in the garden of eden topped it all off! :beerchug:

@Bushy :wavey:

CTW Sexiest Male Member

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So many amazin nites but forget alot of them cant pick 1 single nite its imposssible,of last year the 1s that stood out Tidy@se1 nov2,such amazin nite,tunes,atmosphere everything also Tasty6 at the mass was quite amazin 2,of this year though i think timeless at camden palace was amazin,different 2 a normal nites just classics,who else was at camden?

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global gathering was amazing as well


but most of my amazing times out r weekends (ie days back 2 back) rather than 1 particular night in 1 club

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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I reckon a lot of peoples fav and most memorable ngts are when they drop for the very 1st time. You can never beat the experience. Like losing ur virginity but much better (in my case anyway!)

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It's a tie, the first time I dropped was Lashes followed by the tidy boys in Hereford and then a week later BK in insomniakz (after gatecrasher) in sheefield AAAAWWWEEEEESSSOOOOOOMMMMMEEEEEE :)

As if by magic the shopkeeper appeared!!!

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I've got a few memorable one's.


The thing is i seldomly get to go clubbing now and every time i do it's for a big night. At the end of these nights i allways say thats the best night i've had yet thumbs.gif especially now i've met you guys & girls grouphug.gif

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Far too many to recall but some of the best have to be


Tonic - Ibiza (foam right at the end with just a purple light shining thro it & rank1 - airwave playing!)


Heat - NYE - midnight when loads of CTW peeps were stood there together all in one big group hug!


Tidy Weekender 2 - all 3 nights!


Most sundissentials but def the last one on NYD!


Global Gathering - backstage with Andy Farley & being pushed around the stage on a scooter while Lab4 were playing!


Garlands @ Space - Ibiza - top venue & top tunes!


Hard House Academy - London - huge venue & top tunes!


Tidy @ Rehab - small smart club & intimate atmosphere - had such a laugh with James & Si being random!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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I've had so many.


Like the first time i heard airwave dropped at GC, fookin beautiful and the same for Silence was better for other reasons.


Most of my best clubbin memories are with a person that i miss very much now frown.gif and i know she does come on this board sometimes so i hope she see's this.


Tidy Weekender 2 was fuckin class and same with Heat.


Just got so many to choose from!! bigsmile.gifbigsmile.gif


Oh got some excellent memories from Insomniacz!!!!!!!!!! Mainly when it was at the corp. GOD I MISS THAT SO MUCH!! Also going on about a track called Bad Ass and it wasn't even released then, lol, that was freaky!!

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