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Is that mant to be you, me and Bunnykins??


hahaha, funny guy tongue.gif



Carl : am gonna PM u now, ill explain why pm not email in the pm!! luvu.gifheartbeat.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

  • CTW DJs

Im an Owl...........Reserved and thoughtful, you choose your partners carefully and with caution. You are respected by your partners and are not easily taken advantage of. You are charming and romantic but it takes courage for you to open up to someone sexually. Once you do open up you are an attentive lover and pleasing your partner is more important to you than personal gratification.


After my last 2 w/es in Bolton i dont really think its me.....if i told my m8s the above theyd b on the floor laffin laugh.gif

www.djphilbenson.co.uk - updated 28/08/04

  • CTW DJs
Im an Owl...........Reserved and thoughtful, you choose your partners carefully and with caution. You are respected by your partners and are not easily taken advantage of. You are charming and romantic but it takes courage for you to open up to someone sexually. Once you do open up you are an attentive lover and pleasing your partner is more important to you than personal gratification.


After my last 2 w/es in Bolton i dont really think its me.....if i told my m8s the above theyd b on the floor laffin laugh.gif





oh stop it phil flipa.gifflipa.gifflipa.gifflipa.gifflipa.gif

  • CTW DJs

i am a monkey


Ooh you are a cheeky one. Full of beans - you're a joker who loves being the centre of attention. Always ready with a gag - sex is fun, something to have a laugh about. Only problem is - sometimes you don't know when to shut up and take care of your partner's needs. You also love a gossip about your antics in bed - nothing is kept from your mates. But at least you enjoy yourself - keep on swinging!



thats me sussed then. scratchchin.gifidea.gifspliff.gif

  • CTW DJs

a rabbit it seems


It's always the quiet ones... You may act innocent and sweet on the outside - but that's just a ploy. You're normally well up for it and are eager to experiment - anyhow, anywhere, everywhere! You're not much of a sucker for romance, when you're partner gets too soppy - it's a hoppity, skippity jump into bed with the next suitable candidate!



hehe hump.gif

  • 2 weeks later...
  • CTW Members

dear lord this makes me seem so cheap!!!!!>...................................oh well [censored] happens....

but i CAN do hump.gifromance .......honest!!!?!?!?!!!!!.....everything else seeem bout right tho.....whoops! ive dropped my bean.........


It's always the quiet ones... You may act innocent and sweet on the outside - but that's just a ploy. You're normally well up for it and are eager to experiment - anyhow, anywhere, everywhere! bumshake.gifYou're not much of a sucker for romance, when you're partner gets too soppy - it's a hoppity, skippity jump into bed with the next suitable candidate!


Bluberry jammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  • CTW Members



Ooh you are a cheeky one. Full of beans - you're a joker who loves being the centre of attention. Always ready with a gag - sex is fun, something to have a laugh about. Only problem is - sometimes you don't know when to shut up and take care of your partner's needs. You also love a gossip about your antics in bed - nothing is kept from your mates. But at least you enjoy yourself - keep on swinging!





Act like an adult . . . Be false !
MSN >>> NeoNwomB@hotmail.com

  • CTW Members

Im a monkey! hump.gifthumbs.gif


Ooh you are a cheeky one. Full of beans - you're a joker who loves being the centre of attention. Always ready with a gag - sex is fun, something to have a laugh about. Only problem is - sometimes you don't know when to shut up and take care of your partner's needs. You also love a gossip about your antics in bed - nothing is kept from your mates. But at least you enjoy yourself - keep on swinging!


I just wanna dance n get sweaty!!!

  • CTW Members

koala icon_smile_blush.gif

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