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  • CTW Promotors

i was a member until i missed a payment icon_smile_blush.gif. they do exactly wot they say they will. 2 for price of 1 into the clubs listed. the only prob i found is that there wasnt enuff of a range of clubs offered. i'd say check out the list of clubs, and if u go to enuff of them go for it.

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  • CTW Members

I put myself on the guestlist for Sankey's Soap in Manchester and when I got there they said they'd never heard of it and had people coming every week saying they were on the KlubUniverse list. Hmmmm, they'd better get it sorted! mad.gif


ELSxBELLS did you ever have any trouble with clubs knowing it existed?



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  • CTW Promotors

ministry of sound didnt have us on the list once, but they believed us (they had heard of klubuniverse) and let us in for free!!??!!


i called klubuniverse after, and they made sure it didnt happen again. they're pretty helpful. any probs, call them.

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  • CTW Members

ive found the site a bit pants really. u cant find the genre u want, it never has many nights, all i used to find was funky house and glamour nights, its also [censored] for drum n bass.

MSN leesh1000@hotmail.com
"Boom! Chicky! Boom! Chicka!"

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  • CTW Members

As long as it's not a scam like the staff at Sankey's were saying it was! I asked a few friends of mine who're doormen and they hadn't heard of it, but they might not have to really.


After a week of telling everyone I was going with that I was going for free I turn up and they say it's a scam. Was pretty embarassed, but I knew the guy on the door and got in free anyway! Have it! hump.gif

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  • CTW Promotors

I have a card, it dont [censored] but it looks good in my wallet and makes me feel quite important ! It also makes up for the lack of Credit Cards I get knocked back for !

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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