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I'd like to say that I know some absolute cunts, and this is why. What a bloody awful set of photos.

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  • CTW DJs
quality mate laugh.gif I was a bit worried about the first lot though undecided.gif


That one were I've got two rings of white powder round my nostrils. For fucks sake......

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Members

you've been sniffin the sherbert again haven't you?!? laugh.gif

  • CTW Members

Quality laugh.gif


was hoping to scroll down and c the chick used as a bottle rack! bumshake.gif


Im sad, very lonely and in need of a cheap thrill!


Dance hard, work less, play tomorrow and sleep the next day

  • Author
  • CTW DJs
In a word, Ketamine.


It looks like sumthing is engaged up yr arse!


And you are loving it!







Oh the humour.


Personally, I'd like to know who's foot that is in the picture.

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Members

'CTW does not advocate nor endorse the consumption of narcotic substances in any way shape or form.


So you might be better staying clean or at least just sticking to the demon drink. '


nice words Wub scratchchin.gificon_smile_blush.gificon_smile_blush.gif






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