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Lol, you can tell that I have already learnt that part where you don't look at what you are doing, I just haven't quite figured out the typing bit yet


t-o-u-v=c=o:H is actually a new form of alcohol I have invented!

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  • CTW DJs

Sounds quality mate, let me have a bottle sometime!




(BTW Fascinating fact - I can touch type at a recorded speed of 101 words a minute. Which means if I ever do tempting [censored], I get the [censored] hot, well paid contracts grin.gif)

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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  • CTW DJs
wub wub have u dug your grave yet wink.gif


People should be more careful.



If you actually move the mouse over the link above, the address in the bottom left of the browser screen displays where the link will actually take you, so it's not like I don't give the semi computer literate members of this board a chance to spot any trap/subterfuge I may be laying for them.




Also, please note that I am a cunt. wink.gif

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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i would just like to say i can touch type at an extremely fast speed, lol!!


Also Kazza what a fuckin peice of [censored]!!! Virus country that be!! A mate of mine was usin it the other day and 3 viruses got onto my network. What fuckin nightmare. I've had to isolate one so i can fix it and sort out the reg files. Feckin thing spreads via Kazza too. If anyone gives me that bullshit about AV software i'll swing for the fucker!! Anyway this one that i found you wouldn't pick up via AV software. Nice feckin thing could only be found by certain AV software, but my trusty trojan scanner got the bastard, that's why i'm editin the reg files and takin out the code that it installed.


Anyway in short Kazza BAD!!!!!! grumpy.gifgrumpy.gifangryfire.gifangryfire.gif

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  • CTW Members
wub wub have u dug your grave yet wink.gif






Also, please note that I am a cunt. wink.gif


i knew that a long time ago wink.giftongue.gif

When am i not horny 😉 😊
Msn Messanger:tina_g_ukc@hotmail.com
Yahoo Messanger/Email ickle_cat_1981@yahoo.com



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  • CTW DJs
wub wub have u dug your grave yet wink.gif






Also, please note that I am a cunt. wink.gif


i knew that a long time ago wink.giftongue.gif



I think it's listed in the CTW charter?





8.3> All members must please take into careful consideration that member no.637, Wub_Wub, is a cunt.

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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