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Would I be right in assuming that if you lower the number of posts per page that you view, then the following benefits would ensue.


i) The page will load up quicker for you.

ii) The reduced bandwidth demand would free up more bandwidth for other users, thereby making the site faster for everyone else.

iii) It would reduce the total bandwidth load on the server, hopefully increasing the stability, and maybe even making things cheaper for James.


This is especially true for people like me, who spend the majority of time on the Active Topics page, and are viewing posts just to see the last reply or two, loading up a full twenty or thrity posts just to read someone posting "lol" seems like a waste of time and bandwidth.


(I know very little about how websites [censored], and bandwidth and servers, so I could be completely wrong)

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  • CTW DJs
Would I be right in assuming that if you lower the number of posts per page that you view, then the following benefits would ensue.


i) The page will load up quicker for you.

ii) The reduced bandwidth demand would free up more bandwidth for other users, thereby making the site faster for everyone else.

iii) It would reduce the total bandwidth load on the server, hopefully increasing the stability, and maybe even making things cheaper for James.


This is especially true for people like me, who spend the majority of time on the Active Topics page, and are viewing posts just to see the last reply or two, loading up a full twenty or thrity posts just to read someone posting "lol" seems like a waste of time and bandwidth.


(I know very little about how websites [censored], and bandwidth and servers, so I could be completely wrong)


no blink - ur 100% correct notworthy.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
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  • CTW Admin

correct blink - nice1 - i had changed the default from 20 to 50 because i thought 20 was too low - but come to think of it now its not !


so i've changed it back to 20 now!

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  • CTW Members
correct blink - nice1 - i had changed the default from 20 to 50 because i thought 20 was too low - but come to think of it now its not !


so i've changed it back to 20 now!


Think about the modem users


ADSL rools




Act like an adult . . . Be false !
MSN >>> NeoNwomB@hotmail.com

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  • CTW Members


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  • CTW Promotors
correct blink - nice1 - i had changed the default from 20 to 50 because i thought 20 was too low - but come to think of it now its not !


so i've changed it back to 20 now!


I wondered why mine was back down to 20.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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