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FAO people who were at HQ on saturday


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Blink, Pepsi and some other whos names i cant remember (sorry - was a bit spangled!)


Was good to c ya, sorry if i wasnt very talkative frown.gif Will make sure i have a good chat with ya next time smile.gif

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Lol, you always say that, and you never do!!


(I am the same, sometimes I can be too talkative, and never shut up, but other times I hardly say a word....like at Shaft, i hardly spoke to anyone at Shaft)

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i dont even remember seein u in shaft! I was practically fallin to sleep!


I wasnt very talkative in HQ cuz people kept annoying Mark while he was tryin to mix so i had to b his protector lmao!


Plus i was kinda hammered n started feelin all sleepy

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Yeah, people asking for autographs lol.gif He was only in the friggin members suite for gods sake! Think they must of recognised him from somewhere else!


Some annoying little [censored] was tryin to do an interview with him for his website (while he was mixing!!) n i had to tell him in the nicest way possible to [censored] off n come back at 1.20 when his set finished. Then the same boy, when mark took his record off one of the decks to get another 1 started messin with the buttons to make it stop so he cud take a picture of te slipmat! I had to turn it back on then he turned it back off again n i had to have *ahem* harsh words with him! Fuckin idiot!

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Lol, I may have started the signature thing, you convinced me (well his set did) to buy one of his CD's, and earlier in the day I had been thinking about the lucky bastards who ask a DJ what a tune was, and they just give them it, and sign it, so I thought, well, may as well get the CD signed, he might make it big some day!!

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lol, nah, there were about 3 people who brought up little scraps of paper b4 u asked to have ur CD signed.


He's already on his way to bein big sugar smile.gif


U gonna b at HQ on the 12th April? Shaft is hosting the dragon bar so obviously Mark will b playin plus all the other Shaft residents. Its gonna b fookin mental!

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