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If U could....


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  • CTW Members

Have any job in the world wat would u be?


I think I would like to be a mystery shopper cos u get paid to go shopping and all u have to do is fill in a little check list about whether the staff said hello, and how long u were waiting for. U also get giving money to spend in the shop too. How quality would that be.


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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I would love to say something like a supermodels sex toy or something of that ilk. But I'd love to be a professional athlete. I was heading that way before major illness stoped that idea...

Walks quietly but carries a big Fin.


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  • CTW Members
Id love to be a pc engineer and also a DJ.


Correct me if I'm wrong (a normal occurance), but isn't that what you do? This would make you a happy girl! bigsmile.gif

Walks quietly but carries a big Fin.


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  • CTW Members

Probably a successful writer or something like that.


That way you get paid huge amounts of cash for sitting on a sunny beach somewhere, relaxing and writing a bit here n there. Sounds great to me bigsmile.gif

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  • CTW Members

Ermm ... I'm limited to what I can do cos I'm a Mum and I want to be at home for my girls as much as I can ... so .... bearing that in mind .... If I lived nearer a big town I would def work for a club ..


I'd probably be the caring, mummy type in the cloakroom ... the kind of peeps who are really missed these days!

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  • CTW DJs
i had to think bout this one!


of course id love to be famous!


singer (cant sing!thats out!)

vet (not brainy enough!)

DJ (that be cool!but couldnt do it!)

actress (hmm,id forget my lines!)



Destined to be a waitress then?? ha ha!

Be a dj its easy.


Would have to say im quite happy as i am. Djing most w'ends, producin, running my own label and club night.

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

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  • CTW Members
Ermm ... I'm limited to what I can do cos I'm a Mum and I want to be at home for my girls as much as I can ... so .... bearing that in mind .... If I lived nearer a big town I would def work for a club ..


I'd probably be the caring, mummy type in the cloakroom ... the kind of peeps who are really missed these days!


If I owned a club I would def employ u as my club mum so that u could look after everyone bigsmile.gif


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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