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Can i just ask....


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am i a magnet for fucking wankers give me a break.... why is it when a bloke really wants to be with you you start really hating them and then when you really wanna be with someone they don't wanna be with you i mean god sake its like a fucking triangle... someone help me out here you finally find someone fantastic and you haven't argued with them (massive achievement for me!) and they are a wanker and then the other person really sweet and would do anything for you, you just wanna fuck off cause its not worth it

someone of this board find me someone nice :0(

elly helpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp :paranoid:

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uuummm.. stop hating people who really like you would be a good start... karma and all that!



and shorten that 'arggggggg' cos it makes you post not fit on the screen shame.gif


yeah bad karma [censored], i dont hate them its just like it dont feel the same there aint nothing to say now rah rah rah never ever get with anyone off these things because trust me it never ever works its all to weird why cant blokes be freinds with girls without haveing to jump on them at the first min they can its [censored] pathetic wat can u say no not tonight love

Edited by trancebabe
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I have a few friends like this, it is a combination of not believing you are "worth it", these girls all genuinely believe that they don't deserve to be treated properly, so they aren't confortable with it. And it is also about the "challenge", it is too easy getting involved with someone who fawn all over you, it is far more fun, exciting and challenging being with someone who is hard work.


You need to reasses what it is that you are looking for in a man, and what it is that draws you to them.


We all sometimes go for the "Someon you can't have".


As an aside, I am a really nice, single bloke, who can be a complete arsehole at times, so am a perfect compromise between the two, and would be an ideal intermediary for you!!

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hmmm as you get older this whole thing gets worse your constantly [censored] up being to cold being to nice people take advantage... I am unforgently a typical women moany at most times and very jealous well not jealous just self consious so i start thinking well how comes there was something going on there but from the start it was always said there was nothing it makes me feel like [censored] and u start to wonder wether blokes have any feelings at all... oh god why does this always happen to me why why why, cant i just be mates with blokes!!

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wouldnt it be so nice to combine the two... i am all for seeing people but wouldnt it be nice just to be able to be with someone that is always there for you so that your never alone to go to beautiful places with and to feel happy with and to wake up in the morning with i [censored] miss that real bad... basically from now on my music is my life i will get there... i dont need anyone

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Being mates with members of the opposite sex is easy, just as long as you don't start off thinking of them in a sexual way. Of the 5 people I would comsider close friends, 3 of them are female (and I have only slept with one of them!!)

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wat it is though without it ild be [censored] its my career its my heart my soul my life it keeps me sane for [censored] sake! you wont be saying that when i am a famous dj lol!

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Being mates with members of the opposite sex is easy, just as long as you don't start off thinking of them in a sexual way. Of the 5 people I would comsider close friends, 3 of them are female (and I have only slept with one of them!!)


hmmm yeah i mean i have alot of bloke mates now since clubbing but some have gone a bit far its never the same again things are always different because i am just a typical women nothings ever going to change that!

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i know what you mean hun, considering i never have music without me, my MD player usually isn't far behind me when i'm out if i'm not clubbin. Like right now i've got music on. Trying to make my mind up on if i should use burning or differences for something i'm doing at the moment.

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I know this dont help much but you just gotta have patience and you'll meet someone that treats u right. Untill then concentrate on your music and having a laugh with your mates!! Its wot we're here for!!



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