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To drinking hot chocolate...


I hate Tea and Coffee and always think of hot drinks as a bit pointless but the last 2 weeks ive got through 2 jars of cadbury's instant break.... Its good laugh.gif

My new tune - Acid Test
Read the CTW music news HERE DJ collapses after World record attempt
"Dont u think its about time you grew up?"
Girl's are the Devil

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  • CTW DJs
Hot chocolate rules! Especially when its served in a hotel room... wink.gif


WOW! I don't think I could drink that much, I usually have it in a mug.


thats why shes got such a fat arse!! wink.gif

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Hehe, cool "Monkey" avatar thumbs.gif


Monkey is the dogz grin.gif

My new tune - Acid Test
Read the CTW music news HERE DJ collapses after World record attempt
"Dont u think its about time you grew up?"
Girl's are the Devil

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Best hot chocolate I ever had was in a hotel in Amsterdam. They must make hot chocolate in a different way in hotels.


Well it was from a sachet... but it still tasted good! Think it was high-lighs or something confused.gif


Costa hot chocolate is soooo yummy though! Could drink it all day...


Or starbucks... either of the them are yummy thumbs.gif

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They must make hot chocolate in a different way in hotels.


So they don't just put chocolate into boiling water or milk?? confused.gif


Maybe they add something SPECIAL?????

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