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Main CTW Server Off-Line

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  • CTW Admin


Apologies, the main CTW server is off-line because the hosting company says I haven't paid up ! Anyway, it should be ok (hopefully tonight) soon as its all been sorted out now.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Admin

Well I'm still being pissed about by the hosting company even though its all been paid up until end of August !!!

Methinks they have accidentally deleted all my files off the server!!! This would be the 2nd time I've "lost everything" - what a joke...

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Admin

This hosting company is one of the largest and best in the world - but they appear to have completely fooked up and LOST my server !

fooked off to say the least.

And no, they dont do backups - I have to do them - I do some periodically but you can never keep doing a full backup say weekly because it takes 6/7 hours over broadband. It's not just that though - restoring is not a 5 minute task and there are many many things which need setting up on a new server. If I have to go and set all this up for what will be the 4th or 5th time on a server I think I'll leave it !

Lets just hope they sort their act out and find my server soon - they've defo got me mixed up with someone else - problem is they are all too happy to take the next batch of payments (happened over a week ago) but now they refuse to believe its me who really owns the server as my email ID doesn't match up with registered email they have (they are confusing me with someone else!)

I'm seriously becoming paranoid now and thinking that the whole world is out to get me or CTW !!! Sometimes I wonder whether its worth carrying this on at all :S

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Promotors

Dont lose faith James, just a wee hiccup, these things are sent to test & try us eh :rolleyes: :biggrin:

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Admin

yeah but they have been sent to test us about 5 times now


I am just slightly paranoid !!!

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Admin

plus i NEVER got to the bottom of an awful load of shit on the old server and also the one before that !

:confused: :sad: :angryfire: 

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Promotors

well dont let it defeat you & lets cal in the dectectives or ghost busters!! tongue.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Members

Stick with it mate... CTW has a rare quality and that is everyone who is on here are nice friendly peeps. which is precisly(sp) why i joined , and without any doubt many others will too. Stick with it mate, i'm certain that will all be worth it in the end grouphug.gif

Edited by Aaron
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  • CTW Members
QUOTE (James @ Jun 4 2004, 20:38)
plus i NEVER got to the bottom of an awful load of shit on the old server and also the one before that !

:S sad.gif :@


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  • CTW Admin

lol - could be a longer term plan but i need something right now and its the possibility of having to rebuild a lot of it from scratch again which is pissing me off. I sent a further SIX emails last night - i dont think any of the support people are talking to each other - they seem to now think i'm on some kind of basic hosting package and not a dedicated server! Thats the problem with large companies!!!

I have already found a better (possibly!?) hosting provider to go to but they are more expensive and dont offer as much, but then their support is far far better and I guess thats all that counts now - if a site is going to be down for 2 weeks and no one knows whats going on whats the point !

One day I'll certainly set up my own hosting solution because this is quite simply a joke and I refuse to people get away with stuff like this. At least the US companies are better than the UK but from my experience so far I think I could do a lot better than this particular hosting company (who were voted #1 in the world last year I think !).

What is required is a far more personal service and I hosting solutions which are easier to set up and manage - something I think I could do myself one day. Maybe I'm just EXTREMELY unlucky but I've been with FOUR hosting companies now and ALL have fucked up within a year.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Members

i thnk the only way you'll get hosting the way you want it, is to do it yourself, but like u said this is alot of work, and not the quickest of things to setup.


My mate hosts all my websites, forums, tunes etc etc on a redhat linux network based in his room. its only on a 512 line yet handles a fair amount of traffic from my websites and the others he hosts, only thing which causes problems is when people download mass amounts.


its a great advantage, cause if anything goes wrong, i just send him a message on MSN and said oi oi! blah blah blah, dont have to go through any of this customer service stuff.


one thing tho, your bedroom might end up looking like this..


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