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my tattoo....

Phil B

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Hey toxic ur tattoo is smart

i really want 1 but im a bit of a baby wen it cums 2 pain!!


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tidy_tart said:

i really want 1 but im a bit of a baby wen it cums 2 pain!!



pain is pleasure u can't measure. jus go wiv flow. i've got 5......1 of which is @ base of my bac


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Nice tattoo thumbs.gif


I just have one on me upper arm so I cant really offer advice on where is painful like the veterans can.


Hoping to get another soon-ish tho smile.gif

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Nik_Lazy said:

I cant really offer advice on where is painful like the veterans can.



u callin me a veteran? and i haven't even bin 2 war scratchchin.gif

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i think that i could get 1 but its just the nerves puttin me off!!

wen i had my belly button pierced i was soooo nervous but it didnt hurt me dont not wot i woz worried bout.

i really want a tidy girl on my hip but dont no if it wud look best there or on my back?? scratchchin.gif

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tidy_tart said:

i really want a tidy girl on my hip but dont no if it wud look best there or on my back?? scratchchin.gif


the whole point of a tat2 is it means sumthing personal......i personally wudn't go 4 clubs or record labels.....which loads of other ppl have. go 4 sumthing different and original, i got a trade baby done yrs ago.......but that woz sumthing personal 2 me, as i woz an original trade baby. plus i haven't seen loadsa ppl wiv em

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I got 4 tattoo's 1 at base of back(a really big tribal tatt)Ouch. 1 on my right forearm which hurt in places,also tribal, 1 on the top of my arm which extends accross the top of back towards my spine,the only bit that hurt on that was on my back and a chinese symbol on my left arm which was my first!!!!

PS,great set on bpm last night dave and phill notworthy.gif

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toxicdave said:

Nik_Lazy said:

I cant really offer advice on where is painful like the veterans can.



u callin me a veteran? and i haven't even bin 2 war scratchchin.gif


Tattoo Veteran? bigsmile.gif

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dannyoldham said:

PS,great set on bpm last night dave and phill notworthy.gif


cheers danny thumbs.gif and we did it sober jawdrop.gif

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my cousin az got BITE ME on her arse!!


im gonna try 2 find summat personal 2 get dun.

i woz born on valantines day so i fancy sum sort of heart design/ a fairy

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