CTW Members Sophie Posted April 21, 2003 CTW Members Share Posted April 21, 2003 Heres a little something for everyone, I have a lot of issues about certain people on this site, I am not one to keep my mouth shut which is why I am gonna say all this now to get it out in the open. This weekend I went home to see my family and to have a good old chat about my life, uni everything. And ive descided on a few things, firstly I think I should start telling the truth about what I really think of them, and secondly I think this is time for me to have a fresh start- so the reason why im getting my issues out in the open, isent to piss everyone off, but is to explain how I really feel. Im sorry if you get offended or if my comment about you makes your head swell but I honestly think that honesty is the best policy! Im only writing about a few people on here that to be honest ive had most dealings with Tara- I think your fantastic! One of the only REAL friends I honestly have. I tell you everything, and you no exactly how I feel and what I mean about certain issues. I ALWAYS have a fantastic night out with you, regardless of who else is there or who has pissed me off. So I thank you for that! The only thing I would say, is that I worry about you sometimes, especially when I see incidents of you having too much of what you like at weekends! (if you no what I mean!) so take it easy and in moderation!!! Sarah pvc- when you first joined the site I absoloubtly hated you! Lol!!! But now I think you’re a complete assest to club the world! I don’t hate you, and I think your deffinately what I would class as a DEDDICATED clubber! So keep up the good work! Creamy- uh what can I say!! Lol!!! I used to hate the way you always took the piss out of me! But to be honest ive grown to love it!!! I thinky your a star!!! Evilhedfuck- ive really enjoyed spending time with you, and getting to no you, but I honestly can not have a boyfriend whilst I still love somebody else. Any way as I have explained all of this too you I am sorry if I messed you about and thankyou for being a very goood friend. Freestyler- haven’t knowen you long, and ive only met you twice, but lets just say I am looking forward to Ibiza baby!! Had a long chat with mum and dad so its looking hopefull! You may be getting to spend more time with me then you had hoped for!! Cant wait for Friday!!! Clairedc- I no ive been hasseling you for the money you owe but I do believe you, and in time I no I will get it back! Sorry if I pissed you off! And I hope things will sort themselves out. James- I don’t know where to start with you, but I would like to say I think I have deffinately lost you as a friend. You’re the kindest nicest guy I have ever been with/met, and I will NEVER forget some happy times in the old days that I had with you. However you’ve messed me about and hurt me so much that having nothing to do with you is probably the best for me right now. I am still very much in love with you, and finding it very hard to come to terms with the fact I don’t mean much to you any more. I learnt a lot of things from you about life, and I feel that you’ve always looked after me, but im afraid those feelings have gone now. However I do thank you for bringing this site to life! You always said to me that I would make more friends on this site, and that’s what I have done, only people change, and it has made me loose the only best friend ive ever had. Maria- im sorry but however many times james gets me too meet you, I don’t think I will learn to like you. I think you should calm down on the amount of posts you post about sex or sexually orientated things as if your not carefull it will give you a bad name. And to be honest a lot of us don’t want to no about what thong your wearing today! Also, good luck with James, I hope your very happy together and he doesent mess you around. thanks guys i feel so much better for getting this stuff of my chest! Quote Sophie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTW Members Nick G Posted April 21, 2003 CTW Members Share Posted April 21, 2003 *looks around* nope - can't see anything for me - tricked again! *leaves* Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTW Members Sophie Posted April 21, 2003 Author CTW Members Share Posted April 21, 2003 thats because your fantastic in all areas!!! Quote Sophie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTW Moderators Maria Posted April 21, 2003 CTW Moderators Share Posted April 21, 2003 Sophie said: Maria- im sorry but however many times james gets me too meet you, I don’t think I will learn to like you. I think you should calm down on the amount of posts you post about sex or sexually orientated things as if your not carefull it will give you a bad name. And to be honest a lot of us don’t want to no about what thong your wearing today! Also, good luck with James, I hope your very happy together and he doesent mess you around. Thanks - but to ne honest, im not bothered what u think of me. Its qiute crazy that when ppl dont like ppl even tho they dont know them, and have done absolutly nothing to the other person. BIZARE!! Its not as if i dont like u in any way what so ever. I dont know u to opinionate you. I dont do that. As for my smutty posts etc, they wont change, and neither will i. Not for you, and not for anyone for that matter And y would my posts give me a bad name? Sophie, dont take such board text to heart. I know im nothing like my smutty posts in poerson and so do alot of ppl on tihs board that i have met. No1 has a problem with what i post, if they have, they can [censored] off Also, good luck with James, I hope your very happy together and he doesent mess you around. Thank you for yr wishes, and i am very happy with him and i believe he will not mess me around. Quote ClubTheWorld.com's OFFICIAL Events Reviewer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTW Members Hardhousehunnij Posted April 21, 2003 CTW Members Share Posted April 21, 2003 and me thought i was special Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTW Members Nick G Posted April 21, 2003 CTW Members Share Posted April 21, 2003 Sophie said: thats because your fantastic in all areas!!! Well spotted. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTW Promotors CreamyC Posted April 21, 2003 CTW Promotors Share Posted April 21, 2003 Classic Post. An ORIGIONAL post re-worked for 2003. Nice one Soph, its about time we had something beefy lately rather than some rubbish we now get. I re-opened it after it was closed because I wanted to, its great stuff to read and brings back so many memories for me. Quite emotional really. At least I can go to bed tonight knowing full well the 'old' Sophie is lurking in there somewhere in the background. Anyway, I'm off to bed now a happy man knowing that some of the comments made have made me smile. And that deserves one of these ---> Night Night. Quote CreamyC™ Email: CreamyC@ClubTheWorld.uk MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTW Members Tina Posted April 21, 2003 CTW Members Share Posted April 21, 2003 why was it locked anyway?? i found this post very emotonal Quote ************************************** When am i not horny 😉 😊 Msn Messanger:tina_g_ukc@hotmail.com Yahoo Messanger/Email ickle_cat_1981@yahoo.com ************************************** Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTW Members Tara Posted April 21, 2003 CTW Members Share Posted April 21, 2003 Soph - You know I'll always be your bestest mate, but please don't worry about me, I know what I can handle, even if I have gone slightly off the rails lately, lol! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTW Members Evilhedfuk Posted April 24, 2003 CTW Members Share Posted April 24, 2003 No worries babe! I had a wicked time with you! You know you've got me as a friend! Hope everything goes well, you deserve it x Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTW Members Mr Happy Posted May 8, 2003 CTW Members Share Posted May 8, 2003 thanx sothy!! i'm glad i'm not the only 1 that can stire the [censored] in mamouth proportians Quote Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net AOL - MangaMorgan Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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