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Right okay, I've sorted new features for you sad bastards and singlites out there that cant get birds LMFAO. Basically now in your porfiles you can now set it to "Single / Attached / Up for a Shag / Desperate for a shag / [censored] off Mr Moo" etc, you can also rate people, ie, like the website "amihotornot.com" and rate whether they are mingers or not. That should prove we DO have mingers on this site LMAO. *eek, I forgot to add another feature to the site, there are just not enough hours in the day, there should be 25 not 24 LMFAO then that way I'd be able to add all the fantastic new features for the site. Been a bit of a lazy shite lately LOL and aint been able to add all the 'hacks' to the site but Uncle Jizzer will come up woth the goods for you lovely, lovely people, LMAO. *eek again, I also forgot to say that from now on you can ban people you dont like on here barring me LMAO, so if someone pisses you off you can ban them and they will be banned for 24 hours, I might set the 'hack' to a few hours or no one will post LMFAO.


Enjoy people.


Jizzer ---> Still buzzing from the weekend.

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HAHAHA nice one James!


Where abouts in the profile is this?

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  • CTW Admin

PLEASE NOTE this post was NOT by me (James) but by a BOGUS user known as 'Admin_James'



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James said:

PLEASE NOTE this post was NOT by me (James) but by a BOGUS user known as 'Admin_James'




Otherwise known as CreamyC?!

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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