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scream on bank holiday


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god it was the most amazing night ever... scream is like way getting [censored] at the moment but i think they have saved them selfs!! wat a party the best thing ive bin to for ages and also meet hippy on a string who is a complete nutter... cool!! and we should have photos of the night although the batterys died rite near the start just as we were taking a picture of beatiful amos :0(!!


so seeing these pictures will hopefully make people come and see wat bristols all about and have a massive meet up soon!!

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trancebabe said:

god it was the most amazing night ever... scream is like way getting [censored] at the moment but i think they have saved them selfs!! wat a party the best thing ive bin to for ages and also meet hippy on a string who is a complete nutter... cool!! and we should have photos of the night although the batterys died rite near the start just as we were taking a picture of beatiful amos :0(!!


so seeing these pictures will hopefully make people come and see wat bristols all about and have a massive meet up soon!!


Oi who u callin a nutter, nut.gifer tongue.gif (Ok I mite have been stompin abit 2much that nite, I think I even managed 2bust my toe nail owwwchhhh frown.gif) Twas wicked 2meet u 2babe.


Must chat 2 James and sort out pics gettin on the site.


Was the 1st time I'd been 2a Scream nite (mayb a few 2many townies, probably cause it was a 3 party?, and not enough cybers but beggers can b choosers) and Castro's afterwards was definatly worth the visit.


Was wicked 2met some1 else of this excellent website and it has given me even more reason 2come down 2WildChild (So I can meet more of u lovely ppl and 2meet Trance Babe & Amos again)


Got a MASSIVE weekend planned 4the May Bank Holiday weekend now.


Fri: Slinky's 6th Bday Bash (Opera House,Bmth)

(Meetin loads of peeps I met there a few weeks ago

and some from this week grouphug.gifluvu.gif all)


Sat: Ripsnorters 6th Bday Bash (The Depot,Bristol)

(Any1 want 2come along otherwise Iam goin clubbin

on my own again rolleyes1.gif)


Sun: Workin the day (8.30 - 5) then Wildchild

(May the 4th be with you, nough said)


Mon: Wildchild AfterParty

(Keep it bangin 4another 12hrs)


Tue: Thinkin bout makin my way bac 2Bristol and work in

the niteclub (5 Tue After - 4 Wed Morn)


Wed: Curl up and die. sleepy.gif(If not already

happend) fake_eek.gif


JOB DONE thumbs.gif

Tee hee nut.gifer eviltongue.gif

Wooow woooW icon_smile_blush.gif

Ok Iam goin 2stop now.

REMEMBER :- Geesus Loves U *mwah* xxx

And every1 else thinks ur mashed.

(heehee slight variation on the original sayin)


Dont stop a droppin!


Once u pop u cant stop!


I think Iam what clubbin peeps would call a cuddle-slut. Teehee

Laters peeps

Geesus out spliff.gif

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