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Global Gathering Sundissential Arena set times


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Mark Grey's not bad at all - can bang it out reet hard if he wants, i have every confidence in him


everyone moaned last year when lisa pin-up closed. she was [censored] wicked tho - sometimes you need a healthy dollop of cheese and bounce to send you away relaxed and with a massive smile.


think people forget that having a good time doesn't mean the music has to be really fast and furious at the end of the night. variety is the spice of life after all - dunno why people seem unhappy with the set times, by about midnight you'll all be far too occupied trying to lick yer own eyeballs than worrying about whether the sundissental tent has the right musical progression or not.




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I spose its a fair point that come 7am people may not be best prepared for 170bpm nut.gif

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

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only lab4 really play that pikey rave gimp fast 170bmp 120 pills and 10grms of speed per hour [censored] anyway. everyone is slow compared to them


finish in bedrock, that'll be really good, and hard grin.gif


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PAH! thumbsdown.gif

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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i'm glad the likes of you don't like it... its refined music for refined people. your not welcome


go and stick yer hands in the air or go exstatic to THAT sample from the 51st state, or go suck the dj's cock, after all you've seen him EVERY time you've been in the last six months. wooooo





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Ah, the refined music/acquired taste thing!


In other words, very few people like it and think they're superior for doing so- that's the one! flipa.gif

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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'refined' in the sense that it is better produced IMO.


I luurve hard house heartbeat.gif - but its probably the simplest form of dance music there is and few hard house dj's go beyond just playing records, ie they play one afterafter the other, no attempt to build a set or do anything other than match the beats.


as i only go to hard house nights i wouldn't mind trying the other tents. £45 is a lot for just a hard house night so why not try other stuff like bedrock and carl cox. as i've said variety is the spice of life. i can see lashes, tissera, even glazby and karim whenever i want, the other dj's don't play that often in UK so its a waste not to hear them while i'm into it all


its wrong to say that few people like it as well... i'm sure globally john digweed has a much biggest following than even the biggest hard house dj, like paul glazby or andy farley, lashes... whatever. even tony de vit wouldn't come close to the techno, prog and house dj's folowings.


its all good tho... if you wanna listen to the same tunes and see the same dj's then thats fine, its your prerogative too, but i don't smile.gif though i'll probably be in there quite a lot once i hear the repetivite din that is hard house heartbeat.gifsmash.gifheartbeat.gif


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last year ian m played second to last then it was lisa pin-up!


i doubt ppl will want it bangin out the last set think its best to be brought down abit!


if u ask me IAN M should play last he rocks!!!

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oddball said:


finish in bedrock, that'll be really good, and hard grin.gif


do plan on spending sum time in there, but i really wanna c coxy more than ne thing and if his on last then its in there i shall be (the global tent that is)

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i'm goin 2 this 1 bouncy.gif



it's guna b my 30th blow out bash



can't w8 thumbs.gif

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