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How many of you are IT based


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TomD said:

this is weird, i was just gonna post about this the other day, there seems too many of us on here in I.T. in some shape or form........ are clubs really just a second home for geeks?


No - i think its cos most IT people have access to the internet!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
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I started GCSE IT (quit)

Started GNVQ Advanced IT (long story, but left 6th form)




I know my way around a computer and building them etc! laugh.gif

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Scream said:

Ok i'm just wondering how many people are IT based here as there seems to be quite a few.


So what do you do in the IT area. I'll include graphic design too, lol.


Tell all and ya skills that you have!!


used to work in it, but dont ne more


done everything from web-development (not just HTML either, i meen proper web-dev), programming, building computers, setting up networks, file/print servers/routers/etc, even been known to do a wee bit of program cracking and hacking. basically everything - been programming since i was 8 so everythin else computer related came natrally


dont really have much time 4 it all now tho as i'm trying to develop my mixing and production skills plus me new job is outside of the computer field and i'm out all wkd so what little spare time i do have is spent on the net icon_smile_blush.gif


shame really as i do miss being a geek as i was a hell of a lot smarter and i know i have forgottern alot of the stuff i 1nce knew - having said that, was building a router the other day from a 486 and i'm amazed how quickly it all came back to me bigsmile.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

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