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A tale of Hard House, Hard Drugs and Bribery!!!


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I went out to a [nameless]club last night, at short notice, so i didn't have my prescription all sorted and packaged like I normally do. I paid a visit to the toilets, locked the cubicle, and proceded to make some sherbert bombs. Whilst in the process of doing this, I heard a noise, and there was a bouncer looking down at me from over the cubicle. oooops.

He asked me what I was going to do, I replied "smile nicely". After a few similar exchanges, he again said "What are you going to do?". I replied "How about I give you £5 and we forget this ever happened". I gave him £5, he watched me eat my sherbert bomb, put the rest of my sherbert in my pocket, and he let me carry on my evening!!



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Fan-bloody-tastic!!!! thumbs.gif

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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Blink said:

I went out to a [nameless]club last night, at short notice, so i didn't have my prescription all sorted and packaged like I normally do. I paid a visit to the toilets, locked the cubicle, and proceded to make some sherbert bombs. Whilst in the process of doing this, I heard a noise, and there was a bouncer looking down at me from over the cubicle. oooops.

He asked me what I was going to do, I replied "smile nicely". After a few similar exchanges, he again said "What are you going to do?". I replied "How about I give you £5 and we forget this ever happened". I gave him £5, he watched me eat my sherbert bomb, put the rest of my sherbert in my pocket, and he let me carry on my evening!!




No the first time ive heard stories same as this but usually for larger sums of money - lucky! laugh.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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5 quid shocked.gif i lost 4g of Posh trying to get myself out of shite the last time i got caught!!! worked tho laugh.gif (than god i didnt pay 4 it)


i know exactly wat club ure on about to (same place i got done) laugh.gif

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Clubbing_Si said:

5 quid shocked.gif i lost 4g of Posh trying to get myself out of shite the last time i got caught!!! worked tho laugh.gif (than god i didnt pay 4 it)


i know exactly wat club ure on about to (same place i got done) laugh.gif


jawdrop.gif Id be pissed off to say the least.


I know 2 ppl who were doing k, the bouncer looked over the the top and said are you going to share that?


He turns around and goes fk off you cheeky fucker.

The bouncer told them to hurry up, and then ignored!


Also in crasher once a girl eats a pill sat down in the open:


Bouncer: What was that?

Girl: Asprin

Bouncer: Lets see then.

Girl: I cant ive eaten it.


Althought im sure theres plenty of storys like that knocking around.


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