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This weekends Good Bits/Bad Bits

Wub Wub

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wub_wub said:

Good Bits


Slinky Welcomes Goodgreef on Friday

Chatting to Shan Friday night - what a bloody nice bloke

Getting an interview with Shan - RESULT!

Actually being able to mix at an after party (first time for everything)

Getting my trousers back (and therefore denying Mr Moo)


Bad Bits


My feeble attempts to go clean this weekend

Getting so sketchy that I was unable to make a house party Saturday night



Shan is my baby, did u herre him on the radio

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good bits

* going to rush with non clubbing m8s and having a fantastic time

* getting into rush 4 FREE grin.gif

* accidently ending up at a squat party sunday morning with a dozzon randoms laugh.gif

* the squat party playing techno - and i meen proper 3 deck plus fx techno set!!!! (as well as psy trance in the upstairs room - hehehe)


bad bits


* getting mugged in brixton

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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