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Grey Hair

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SundayTricky said:

is anybody else prematurely grey haired, ive been going grey since i was 16 - is it sexy or should i dye it ?


Im with you on this one mate...ive got quite a few grey hairs now and its got worse over the last year or so. Have been tempted to dye it but g/fs have thought it very sexy so ive thought well, you are what you are.. I dont think i would dye it now...too much hassle, and for what?! I just get my hair cut regular so it looks less obvious... Ive asked my mates if i should dye it and they've all said dont..

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Got my first grey hairs when I was 19.... and now I'm 28...


Been dyeing mine blonde for a good 4 to 5 years on and off and the last 2 straight. I like it....


But seeing as I'm going a tad thin on top..... it won't be long til the lot's come off.... icon_smile_cool.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

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Guyster said:

But seeing as I'm going a tad thin on top..... it won't be long til the lot's come off.... icon_smile_cool.gif



so i'm not the only person 2 go bald b4 their 30 thumbs.gif phew

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