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Text talk on forums?

Capn Jack

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baby_rabit said:

Clubbing_Si said:

wub_wub said:

He's having trouble with the 'push' sign on the door.



dont b nasty mr happys nice!! wiggle.gifbaby.gif


It's just playful banter between old board chums. Laurence is quality, wouldn't be the same without him!

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Its retarded if u take it to extremes, ok so some things get abbreviated here and there but some people take the piss with it!! shrug.gif

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txt talk requires far too much effort to read; it shifts all the work onto the reader rather than the writer.


i don't see why some people are ashamed of the fact that they can construct a sentence properly. i'd rather have a good grasp of the english language than join one of the several million people in this country who still, after years of education and life experience, don't know the difference between "your" and "you're", or where to use an apostrophe.


good grasp of english

-> better chance of getting a good job

-> more pay

-> better standard of living


unless you're actually dyslexic there's no excuse for bad spelling and grammar. although interestingly i did read somewhere that the predominant driving force in the evolution of the english language is the young female population.

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TomD said:

txt talk requires far too much effort to read; it shifts all the work onto the reader rather than the writer.


i don't see why some people are ashamed of the fact that they can construct a sentence properly. i'd rather have a good grasp of the english language than join one of the several million people in this country who still, after years of education and life experience, don't know the difference between "your" and "you're", or where to use an apostrophe.


good grasp of english

-> better chance of getting a good job

-> more pay

-> better standard of living


unless you're actually dyslexic there's no excuse for bad spelling and grammar. although interestingly i did read somewhere that the predominant driving force in the evolution of the english language is the young female population.


i've got an excuse. my teachers always went on strike durin l8 80's so woz neva @ school much disappointed.gif

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Personally i find it takes longer to type a message in so called text talk than it is to type it out in proper english. That may be because i can touch type or maybe just cos it doesn't require thinking about as much.


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Krazeh said:

Personally i find it takes longer to type a message in so called text talk than it is to type it out in proper english. That may be because i can touch type or maybe just cos it doesn't require thinking about as much.


Or maybe its because you're not retarded!! shrug.giflol.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Capn_Jack said:

Why do people use text talk on forums?

Surely the availability of all the keys would mean that you can type words properly?

Does this mean that when doing any written work, text talk creeps in and the end result is a coded message?

Is it any quicker to do than conventional typing, or is it more trendy to do it that way?




technically its not text talk as its the way geeks have been typing LONG b4 text phones were invented nod.gif

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