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Towny Try-Hard

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QUOTE (Dawn @ Jun 1 2004, 18:57)
I blame TopMan tongue.gif

well that'll be Liam then eh tongue.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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My pet hate is townie try-hard scally cyber-goths. Especially the ones who wear their balaclavas back to front and listen to nu-clash industrial twatcore music on oversized pink furry headphones.

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QUOTE (LiquidEyes @ Jun 2 2004, 10:00)
My pet hate is townie try-hard scally cyber-goths. Especially the ones who wear their balaclavas back to front and listen to nu-clash industrial twatcore music on oversized pink furry headphones.


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There are several sub-genres of try-hard:


1) The indie try-hard, or the Hoxton-Twat, where the look originated from, who venture to indie clubs/ gigs, or that most pretencious-of-pretencious genres, the electroclash/ experimental club, and stand there with their pints nodding their head to the music but never dancing. The men are more likely to sport the longer versions of try-hard haircuts rather than the funny shaven thingys we all know and love, and the girls wear lots of vintage, esp strings of pearls and mid-calf length skirts. Occasionally this crosses over to try-hard type no.3, as the indie-dance crosssover genre of music leads them to venture to 333, The Ghetto and occasionally fabric.


2)The typical clubbing try-hard, who used to be a cyber kid but have now followed the rest of the sheep in their wardrobe choices, i.e. trying to look different from everyone else but ending up looking exactly the same. Their distinct lack of coolness is shown in their drug-consumption, as no one truly cool would be seen dead gurning or slumped in a corner in a K-hole. It's all about the coke, darrrrling.


3) The townie try-hard, as mentioned on this thread. Two great examples of this style are Andy Whitby and BK. Can often be found in the corner of a cub with an evil glare looking as if they are about to arse-rape you. The females of this breed like to think they look cool but ruin it by plastering themselves in make-up and wearing those awful neon court shoes (sooooooooo last summer, darling, it's all about the ballet shoe right now). A distinct feature of this try-hard is that they like to think they are cool but in fact are soooo a couple of seasons ago, or their preference for gold jewelery. I mean really. They are also let down by their distinctly pikey attitude, eg the girls who look your outfit up-and-down in the toilet and speand an hour hogging the mirror whilst they re-apply their foundation. Where's the PLUR, people?!?!

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Tom, I'm following you on this.


I hadn't been out on the bear for ages until a couple of months ago and all of a sudden the people that used to be wearing a 'nice' blue shirt, black trousers and shiney shoes have turned in to pseuodo try hards.


Theres highlights, sweat bands, shades at night and loose slanted belts all over the place.


Its just not right!

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

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QUOTE (LiquidEyes @ Jun 2 2004, 10:00)
My pet hate is townie try-hard scally cyber-goths. Especially the ones who wear their balaclavas back to front and listen to nu-clash industrial twatcore music on oversized pink furry headphones.


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