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Huge thanks for everyone at Wildchild

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  • CTW DJs
LiamStyles said:

Have just been reading all the posts about everyones experiences at wildchild, and must say im in a state of depression that i wasnt there.


Sounds like Reece and crew pulled off their best night yet. I will now be grumpy, moody and short tempered for the remainder of the week!


Jealous as [censored]!


But glad you all had a lethal night.


Naah we're joking - it was crap wink.gif


Real shame you weren't there mate - hope you're getting yourself sorted out though.... smile.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

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Yeah, im getting there slowly but surely.


Ive pretty much replaced all the studio stuff, my bank balance is not so hot anymore mind.

Just have to get a new tv, dvd player, hi fi for the front room.


Plus i have invested in a more secure back door to keep the bastards out, and my mate is coming round next week to fit a [censored] hot alarm.


Next Wildchild August you say? Nothing will stop me going to this one!

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

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  • CTW DJs
sentialSteve said:

Bloody hell Guy, thought i might have got a special mention for listening to 20-25 minutes of your set and managing to stay awake! wink.gif


Was an amazing night, one of the best club nights i've had grin.gif


"And thanks for Steve for putting up with my set for 20-25 mins" wink.gif


Top, wasn't it? grin.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

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  • CTW Members

Hey i bloody enjoyed it! Really bouncy!

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