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A huge hello to the wildchild posse!

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I wish i could have may 4th/5th as groundhog days!!!heartbeat.gif I lurrrved every second of it heartbeat.gif, truly awesome event!!

Hi to Rick ur bloody brilliant! soz i didnt phone ya by the time id finished helpin @The Coronet it was time to get back to sunny southsea.im dreadin seein the photos messy, nut.gifsmashed smash.gifed and nutted rolleyes1.gif springs to mind!!!

Mr moo soz it was short but sweet, it was brilliant to meet you, do ya fancy comin down to southsea this sat im dancin for the tidyboys, ill ask my boss if you can bring ur camera in.

Maria & james, fantastic to meet ya, sorry i didnt talk much, i just couldnt stop dancin(& i was pretty smashed!)

Hello to every1 else i met, say hi if ay spoke to me & apologies if i didnt make any sense!!

Heres to the nxt WILDCHILD Aug 24th cant get here fast enough!! grouphug.gifgrouphug.gifgrouphug.gifgrouphug.gifgrouphug.gifgrouphug.gifgrouphug.gifgrouphug.gifgrouphug.gifgrouphug.gifgrouphug.gifgrouphug.gifgrouphug.gifgrouphug.gifgrouphug.gifgrouphug.gifgrouphug.gifgrouphug.gifgrouphug.gifgrouphug.gifgrouphug.gifgrouphug.gif

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Hiya Nicole!

How good was wildchild?! I hada' great night and hope you're feeling a bit more 'normal' now! Hahahaha! It was a fun one! thumbs.gif

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  • CTW Admin

Hiya hun, was good to meet you too grin.gif

CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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babyred said:

Mr moo soz it was short but sweet, it was brilliant to meet you, do ya fancy comin down to southsea this sat im dancin for the tidyboys, ill ask my boss if you can bring ur camera in.


Noooooooo i keep getting asked to go out! and ive told myself im staying in! laugh.gif


Thanx for the offer tho! thumbs.gif


My bank balance needs to "RIGHT" itself again cry.gif

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I do believe that we are perfectly normal & every1 else is insane!! I didnt stop at the afterparty i went to one house for sum wine & sweeties then a random pub([censored] knows where)then then another house where we all absolutely caned the cola til i passed out aat 1.30am mon morn!!!

It was fookin brilliant, i havent smiled or laughed or felt this good for ages & no come down,im on top of the world!! icon_yippee.gifthumbs.gifwiggle.gif

Oh i had a word with Reece are you up for A grand finale moonie at the nxt Wildchild, he thinks it a brilliant idea!! moon.gifbumshake.gifmoon.gifbumshake.gifmoon.gifbumshake.gifmoon.gifbumshake.gifmoon.gif

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  • CTW DJs

Alright babe.... it was a mad night, wasn't it?


A privilege to be involved really... crazy to think that 3 years ago we were still doing 300 capacity places! eek.gif


As Mr Norman Cook once said


"you've come a long way baby".....


See you at the next meeting grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

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  • CTW Promotors

I recognise her but dont think we actually met

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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babyred said:

Oh i had a word with Reece are you up for A grand finale moonie at the nxt Wildchild, he thinks it a brilliant idea!! moon.gifbumshake.gifmoon.gifbumshake.gifmoon.gifbumshake.gifmoon.gifbumshake.gifmoon.gif


Hahaha, the grand finale moonie has just gotta' be done! laugh.gifmoon.gifmoon.gifmoon.gifmoon.gifmoon.giflaugh.gif

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Thanx Guy ur brilliant urself,what do ya think of our grand finale moonie? moon.gifbumshake.gif

Oh my god what do i look like in that picture i looked smashed!! smash.gif Rick have you got the other ones on gurn yet?

Tara, when ru goin to ibiza? wavey.gif

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Hiya sarah, i think i might have met you, im not sure my memory is a bit vague! Ill have to come and say hello nxt time im out. wavey.gif

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babyred said:

Tara, when ru goin to ibiza? wavey.gif


I'm going Ibiza at the end of june until the end of september so will miss the next Wildchild cry.gif but will definately be back for the next one! thumbs.gificon_yippee.gif

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  • CTW Members
babyred said:

Thanx Guy ur brilliant urself,what do ya think of our grand finale moonie? moon.gifbumshake.gif

Oh my god what do i look like in that picture i looked smashed!! smash.gif Rick have you got the other ones on gurn yet?

Tara, when ru goin to ibiza? wavey.gif

I'm still trying to sort out which ones to put on Gurn and which to put on here...


I will try to do the gurn one's before I leave work tonight...


Hope you're feeling more with it today... cuddle.gif

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