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Kazza vs Kazzaa lite

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Are they actually different, as a friend of mine said he found what he was looking for on Kazzaa (evil, son-of-the-devil, computer killing software). Whereas I cannot locate it on Lite. Am I going to have to sacrifice my machine to this demon in order to obtain the file I am looking for?

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Beggars can't be choosers my friend!


Technically they should be connecting you to the same network, but it's certainly no exact science. Time of day, speed of the network and how many times you press "Search" can all effect the results you get.

It's so wrong, yet it's so right.

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CreamyC said:

Kazza vs Kazzaa lite


Kazzaa Lite.


Because I'm on a diet and I always find Kazza a bit too sugary.


All that free music flavour but half the calories!!!!

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Evilhedfuk said:

CreamyC said:

Kazza vs Kazzaa lite


Kazzaa Lite.


Because I'm on a diet and I always find Kazza a bit too sugary.


All that free music flavour but half the calories!!!!


Music? Music? Who mentioned music, Kazza is the best place for downloading fully functioning trial software before you decide to go out and purchase it.


[And I do actually plan or purchasing this delightful piece of software once I have got a spare £250]

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Shenlong said:

nope no difference, as stated it depends on loads of different things, not on the software, kazaa and kazaa lite are the same apart form lite doesn't have all the crappy spyware in it.


wat he said! thumbs.gif

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Clubbing_Si said:

Shenlong said:

nope no difference, as stated it depends on loads of different things, not on the software, kazaa and kazaa lite are the same apart form lite doesn't have all the crappy spyware in it.


wat he said! thumbs.gif


Yuppity yup... hump.gif


You'll also find two versions of Kazaa (whether Lite or not) will produce different results half the time....

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