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Birds in cyber *drools*

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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cyber iz not dead!! it wont be for a long time yet - dont worri!!

emma i cant believe you posted this picture!!!

it is wicked though - i think!!!


wow - please could we have a cyber smilie with little pigtails and UV clothing?!!!!

hardcore raver baby rhi!


Im goin 2 hell - and you're comin with me!!!

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don't like cyber people who wear the same thing every time. inventiveness and originality please, on every night out, or don't bother at all. i don't like this "my cyber outfit" thing. sorry but that's just mingin'. wearing the same thing every time you go out, even if you wash it, makes you seem like a scrubber.

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lol ive only been out in it twice! u may b forgettin but ive only been 2 3raves! and i have more than 1 - i have 2 that havent been worn yet but then i just think about how amazing my pants r and im like paranoid.gif i wanna wear them!

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ive only been to one rave so im guessing that doesnt apply to me and emma adds something new each time!

it is expensive you know!!! (unless you know the right people - aint that right emma!! hehehe!!!)


hardcore raver baby rhi!


Im goin 2 hell - and you're comin with me!!!

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TomD said:

don't like cyber people who wear the same thing every time. inventiveness and originality please, on every night out, or don't bother at all. i don't like this "my cyber outfit" thing. sorry but that's just mingin'. wearing the same thing every time you go out, even if you wash it, makes you seem like a scrubber.


Nice in theory, but outfits are so expensive


(And before you all say about making your own, I am crap at sewing, and am not into all the fluffy scene, into the more cyberdog stuff, and wouldn't even know where to start even if I did have any creativity)

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raver_baby said:

ive only been to one rave so im guessing that doesnt apply to me and emma adds something new each time!

it is expensive you know!!! (unless you know the right people - aint that right emma!! hehehe!!!)



yeah i do actually add summat new dont i! and i think im wearin a hot pink bikini and fluffies 2 vibealite.


and yeah wud jst like 2 point out 2 every1 that my mum made raver_baby's hot pants n fluffies that she's wearin in that pic!

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raver_baby said:

you see - as long as you know the right people!!! hehehe




indeed but i thought u were going! tongue.giflaugh.gif

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Blink said:

Nice in theory, but outfits are so expensive


hmmm.... ok well mainly i'm thinking of the people who go as "something" every time they're out. like it's not exactly cyber but there was this one guy at the weekender who i also saw at the tidy xmas party who wore this sweaty centurion outfit and i just thought "ergh". two things:


a. it probably reeks

b. it's just really weird wearing the same thing all the time, i mean yeah you get ever-so-slightly famous but for just wearing the same thing all the time

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TomD said:

i think tidy events are testament to the fact that they still do exist.


there were shitloads of them at tidy ultraviolet on saturday; there was this mad crazy lesbo with a flashing thing on her top, she just looked [censored] scary, i had to move away slowly.


personally i'd rather see a room full of cybers than a room full of tryhards.


*sweatbands it*


Well said, that man bigsmile.gif

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