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Theiving Sister in Law!!

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Ive just had some money stolen from me! grrr! I had £2 somthin on top of the TV in my house and now its vanished! My brother and his wife came down earlier and im certain it was the sister in law. £2 aint much i know but its not the first time shes done it. Afew years ago my wallet strangely vanished from a cuboard in my house. It had £60+ in it. Over the past few years money has strangely dissapeared and its obviously her and its [censored] annoying. I thought she had changed because no money has gone for a while, not that i noticed anyway but ive never been able to trust her. Shes a theiving bitch!! angryfire.gif

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Tell ur brother.

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I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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Threaten her with legal action


Nothin can be proved tho unfortunately. If theres no evidence then ya can get away with anythin. angryfire.gif


Tell ur brother


I reckon he already knows, but he wont say anythin to grass up his common, theiving wife. biaaaaatch!

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she dont have a problem (gambling) does she?


just theres this granny on nabours that steals from friends to fun gameling and if its been on a tv soap that it must be the norm scratchchin.gif

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she dont have a problem (gambling) does she?


just theres this granny on nabours that steals from friends to fun gameling and if its been on a tv soap that it must be the norm


haha, nah she just likes gettin easy money and she doesnt care where she gets it from aslong as she get it.

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  • CTW Members

RAAAAAAAAAAAA that's really annoying when people do that.......try to catch her in the act.....either glue some money to the pavement outside ur house (it's funny to watch people try to pick it up) or try and get a camcorder on the area where the money is placed!

i need it hard, fast and now!!!!!!
msn c10dagh@hotmail.com

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