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Clubbing 2 Nights in a Row


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fair play for the 'straight clubbin is the best' type principle....maybe mebbe not =) (for me straight - great, enhanced - special)


last weekend i did saturday 10pm till monday 10am clubbing non stop (except for 3 hours - and the afterparty till 10am monday was ur fault:) but it was fairly enhanced and i felt sooo wrong till about thursday....this weekend i did euphoria on friday on 1 smartie and timeless yesterday straight, did sleep for half of saturday tho, but feel good for it.


and u could be a lite weight bigsmile.gif


grr @ Ibiza it will be mine!.....

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I dont think James should be called a lightweight for wanting to chill a bit, if he thinks goin to 2 clubs in a row makes him tired/ill and makes him enjoy the 2nd night less then why shouldnt he chill out a bit!! The whole point in clubbing is about enjoying urself, not wearing urself out so much that u dont enjoy it as much on the 2nd night or even so much that u dont look forward to ur nights out as much because u know ur gonna be ill and knackered for god knows how long!! Dont get me wrong, i can do the 3 club in a row thing and i enjoy it, but then i dont do it every week, if i was out every week, it would probably be only every so often that i did 2 nights running, id probabaly just have the 1 night and drag it out in afterparties then chill for the rest of the weekend!! Its all about what u want and feel u can do, not havin to live up to peoples expectations and wearing urself out!!


I say good on u James for saying it and taking note of what ur body is telling you!! thumbs.gif


Just dont be buying slippers and pipe too soon wink.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
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use to do this regular - coz of work I cant tho wot prob does me favor in a way tho never really felt knackered even when I did fri - sun with after parties in between the clubbin on no zzzzzz. Didnt get up til 6 tonite tho havin bf there with me doesnt make the time in bed quite so wasted wink.gifwink.gif

Def get down the gym tho - prob y I dont have probs stayin awake coz I go gym a lot, it def gives u more energy, I actually find these days its the pills that make me tired n stomp about a lot more when I'm doin it straight! icon_yippee.gif

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beckie in la la land said:

why is james a lightweight if he is admitting that clubbing is making him ill and tired?!!!


james - i did myself in for months last year and turned into some weirdo zombie. i nearly failed my exams cos of it all! i say have a decent night out when you WANT to, not cos you feel like you HAVE to. believe me you will enjoy it more and feel so much better.


you're right when say about staying in bed all weekend, its fine every now and again but you are missing out on days out at the weekend! i love me days out at the weekend - long drives and pub lunches are the best!!


It was a joke!! nod.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
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clodhopper said:

light weight, 2nights in a row is easy!!!!!!!!! think u might find ibiza difficult then, as it never stops


Yeah sorry, never knew Ibiza was like that as I'm sure James didn't. Next you'll be telling us all theres clubs out there.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
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clodhopper said:

sleep!!! what's that? when it comes to the w/e i dont sleep, sleep is only for the weak (but then i do usually end up ill all week)


That makes sense.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
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I've gone out every friday and sat this year so far, and while I've not been mullered every time it's taking its toll.


I can happily get by on not much sleep, but it's more the fact I've got no spare time, if I'm not out I'm on the PC or I'm at work or I'm on the M1..... rolleyes.gif


Thing is, I love it, and I'll keep doing it, because I get so much pleasure from going out. I'm doing things striaght now too, because (tho it's not the same feeling or euphoria) I'd rather be out and straight than not out at all..... smile.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

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Guyster said:


Thing is, I love it, and I'll keep doing it, because I get so much pleasure from going out. I'm doing things striaght now too, because (tho it's not the same feeling or euphoria) I'd rather be out and straight than not out at all..... smile.gif


My points exactly!! I think going out & taking stuff, although giving you energy initially actually makes you more tired quicker as the night goes on & ovbiously makes the recovery period harder & longer

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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SarahPvc said:

Guyster said:


Thing is, I love it, and I'll keep doing it, because I get so much pleasure from going out. I'm doing things striaght now too, because (tho it's not the same feeling or euphoria) I'd rather be out and straight than not out at all..... smile.gif


My points exactly!! I think going out & taking stuff, although giving you energy initially actually makes you more tired quicker as the night goes on & ovbiously makes the recovery period harder & longer


These young'uns... they'll learn wink.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

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Guyster said:

SarahPvc said:

Guyster said:


Thing is, I love it, and I'll keep doing it, because I get so much pleasure from going out. I'm doing things striaght now too, because (tho it's not the same feeling or euphoria) I'd rather be out and straight than not out at all..... smile.gif


My points exactly!! I think going out & taking stuff, although giving you energy initially actually makes you more tired quicker as the night goes on & ovbiously makes the recovery period harder & longer


These young'uns... they'll learn wink.gif


Its just a case of pacing yourself!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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SarahPvc said:

Guyster said:

SarahPvc said:

Guyster said:


Thing is, I love it, and I'll keep doing it, because I get so much pleasure from going out. I'm doing things striaght now too, because (tho it's not the same feeling or euphoria) I'd rather be out and straight than not out at all..... smile.gif


My points exactly!! I think going out & taking stuff, although giving you energy initially actually makes you more tired quicker as the night goes on & ovbiously makes the recovery period harder & longer


These young'uns... they'll learn wink.gif


Its just a case of pacing yourself!



WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

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Guyster and PVC> Nail on head!


Anyone that tries clubbing all weekend without *stimulation* is obviously gonna find it hard. Fair play to James for admitting what a big softy he is smile.gif. Personally I doubt I could go all weekend just drinking.


Even now, a good night's (well day's) sleep and some 5-HTP are essential inbetween so that you can make the bost of both.


It's all about pacing yourself and looking after yourself, that way you can enjoy the weekend without feeling utter crap all week aswell.


Took me a good couple of years to work this out tho. bigsmile.gif


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SarahPvc said:


Its just a case of pacing yourself!


the fact is i love NOT pacing myself and getting the most out of 1 night rather than pacing myself over 2 nights and both nights not adding up to as good a night if i'd just been out the once. Sure I can sleep all day on the saturday between the fri and sat night but as i say i'm now 'losing' most of my weekends and there is other stuff to be done which i enjoy - including writing music and writing new stuff for the site. The last 2 weekends i've spent ALL my spare time in bed and it just feels soooo un-contructive. I think i need to start getting hotels and decent sleep when out in other areas - like kev and i used to - i dont remember feeling so knackered then as we got a chance to rest - and not on someones floor lol Afterpartieis are all well and good but no good if you are off out again the next night.

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