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This weekends Rocked It/Lost It

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wub, i'm in the same position - it's great, i dj *SOME* of the "cheese" nights at the union and so everyone thinks i play it all the time, and that i actually own those tunes. "will you come and dj at my party?" "sure, what's the music?" "well... chart stuff, you know, like britney and s club 7" "errr... no thanks"


five years time they'll be like this shocked.gif i'll be like this biting.gif

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Worst question recieved whilst Djing;


Pissed girl: Do you take requests?

Wub: Yes, anything in particular?

Pissed girl: Something we can dance to?

Wub (looks up from his hard trance set sligtly confused): What, other than dance music?

Pissed girl: No, proper dance music I can dance to!

Wub: Like what?

Pissed girl: Like that Dj Sammy track.....

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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no wub.... THIS is the best conversation ever whilst DJing, just had it on Saturday night. was DJing at the "Skool Disko" at the union, meat-market, etc. anyway, we're in the middle of something like "Reach" by S Club 7, up comes this guy at the front, bear in mind the music policy of CHART and CHEESE:


Guy: "hi, do you have 'Another Day'?"

Me: "dunno... who's that by?"

"erm... Chicane."

-- "haha... no... sorry...."

"OK, what about Watergate 'Heart of Asia'?"

-- "nooo.... sorry... don't have that either"

"... OK, well, it's sounding good, keep it up."



yeah nice one. what i'll do is, wait for this song to finish and then switch on the late-90s trance. nice one, man.

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Don't knock Heart of Asia!


I used to DJ down the Old Firestation (Bournemouth student cheese fest) on a Friday night, and I am guilty of some awful choon crimes such as;


- playing the theme from Dogtanian and the Three Muskateers


- Dropping out the chorus on Sweet Child o Mine so the crowd sings along


- Playing an old skool section that included N-Trance Set You Free

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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hahahahaha i used to love Heart of Asia, got this bootleg with j.lo's "Waiting for Tonight" over the top. don't get me wrong, good tune but not really appropriate for a Skool Disko


bringing down the chorus of tunes for a crowd sing-a-long... classic DJ technique, but i'm above that. of course the theme from Jim'll Fix It had to be played on saturday as well.


dogtanian = CLASSIC. what an idea. did it go down well??

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TomD said:



dogtanian = CLASSIC. what an idea. did it go down well??


Like a [censored] storm!


Worst track I've ever heard played though - Rank 1 Vs. Justin Timeberlake Cry Me an Awakening



Played by some twat called Jules.....

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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wub_wub said:

Rocked It


Staying clean all weekend


Lost It


Having a bad paranoia attack off some rather funky weed




Rocked It


Being less than 50 days till I quit work and move south to become a rock star

Planning to go clubbing on with my bestfriend next bank holiday icon_yippee.gificon_yippee.gificon_yippee.gificon_yippee.gif

Finding out I should be debt free by August


Lost It


Erm.....well I guess not going out this weekend, but otherwise it was such a good weekend, I don't care

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My weekend was entirely [censored], so naff off flipa.gif

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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