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FAO nice1bruvva + flakey dove

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you're tellin me??? who are all these new retards???


its all hugs and fuckin kisses!!!!!! where's the bitchyness??? bring back libby i say

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nice1bruvva said:

you're tellin me??? who are all these new retards???


its all hugs and fuckin kisses!!!!!! where's the bitchyness??? bring back libby i say


Speak to Jame. I'm passing the buck on this one.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Wonder what happened to her,creamys arch nemesis were'nt she?


I might just hang around for one of sophie's nervous breakdown posts again. thumbs.gif

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flakey_dove said:

Wonder what happened to her,creamys arch nemesis were'nt she?


I might just hang around for one of sophie's nervous breakdown posts again. thumbs.gif


Sadly flakey, we dont see one of those that much anymore as we used to. We are due for one shortly. And I'm busting for all that to start again, it was hilarious.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Flakster, who have u met off CTW b4?


Creamy, make him go to the Manc meet!

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