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Crap Windoze question


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I am running XP, and it has that bit of hiding unused menu bits, so when I click on file, I get about 3 options. and then I get the downward arrow '>>' which I have to click on to show all the menu options. I know you can turn this off, but I am [censored] if I can remember what option it is I have to disable, and I can't even find anything vaguely resembling it in XP.


[i am sure the option is something like "Personalised Menus" or something stupid like that]

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here goes mr sad bastard...


right click task bar


start menu tab


customize button




down the bottom un click 'use personalised menus'


my excuse is i do this for a living icon_smile_blush.gif


hope this helps


if it goes wrong, u aint seen me...right?

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Are you saying that "To TURN IT OFF" I have to select "Use personalized menu's" As I already have this function disabled (ie not checked) and it is still doing it.



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Well, my '98 was being psycho, and I was looking at upgrading to something more stable, and couldn't locate 2k anywhere, but my dad had a spare version of XP Pro has wasn't using, so thought i'd give it a try. It is a bit weird, but I am starting to get the hang of it.

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I had ME on my machine, and I "downgraded" it to '98 cos it was better.


Thinking about the problem I was having with '98, I wonder if I had managed to accidently unclick the "Enable dragging and dropping"...oh well, too late to worry about now.

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