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Those of u with an Orange pay as you go phone...

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Littlemissclubbindiva said:

i used to get 5 free txt's a day, they've stopped that, n put the cost of calls n txt's up, wankers eviltongue.gif


think that lasts for a year then u have to pay the £20 and get it again

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Littlemissclubbindiva said:

wat, u have to top up by £20, then u get the 5 free txt's again??


no, u have to buy a thing called orange out here. it costs £20 and u get £5 credit and 5 free texts a day for a year. u can get it from car phone warehouse n places like that

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mine's up the wall at the moment............... someone keeps putting sex txt mails on and I have to pay when they come on.............. any guesses KEV ??? grin.gif



*wants a f*&king spliff.gif* axe.gifaxe.gifaxe.gifaxe.gifbiting.gifmoon.gif

always there for the beer, but not wanting to pay!!

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Saira said:

Littlemissclubbindiva said:

wat, u have to top up by £20, then u get the 5 free txt's again??


no, u have to buy a thing called orange out here. it costs £20 and u get £5 credit and 5 free texts a day for a year. u can get it from car phone warehouse n places like that

right, cheerz for that, i'll hav to find out. grin.gif

I wanna snort cocaine on the breakfast tray...
I wanna get twisted.
Do u fuk as well as u dance???

msn shuffle69shuffle@hotmail.com

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Littlemissclubbindiva said:

CreamyC said:

Just a buy a contract. Cheapskates.

i used to be on contract but the bills were always ova £60, so i've found pay as u go better now!


Dont waffle so much on the phone. I know what you birds are like when you get going.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
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That's cos a blokes phone conversations lasts between 10 and 30 secs, and usually involves coded grunts as to where the next drinking session will take place.


A woman's phone conversation lasts between 5mins and forever.

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what ya mean they no who i am

i still get my 5 free texts for life as i did it ages ago and cos they couldnt stop that wen we paid on an understandin that we got it for life

and i still didnt get 3 quid

and i wondered why i couldnt text wiv 11p

oh well good job iv got 3 sim cards aint it o2 the best wiv bolt ons

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