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Can they do this??


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TomD said:

Tina_g said:

i cant tell on here .......


right well just make sure you've told your employers and got a note, i'm sure they'll understand and keep a job waiting for when you get back, it's not your fault you're ill.


i'm going 2 get a sick line if i can...... yea it's not my fault

When am i not horny 😉 😊
Msn Messanger:tina_g_ukc@hotmail.com
Yahoo Messanger/Email ickle_cat_1981@yahoo.com



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Not that I am siding with the employers but....


Were you aware of this illness before you took the job, and did you advise them?


How much time off are you having? [i believe that they can make you redundant/dismiss you on the grounds of being "unsuitable" due to having a large amount of time off, whether it is your fault or not]

I also think it is different if you are signed off for a long period of time, as opposed to having lots of short periods off. When I was signed off due to my RTA, my employers (who I had been with for 3 months) paid my SSP for 6 months, then sent me a letter advising me that after fulfilling their obligation of paying my SSP for 6 months, they were terminating my employment (that letter arrived 3 days before xmas!!)


Sorry if that ain't what you want to hear, but I hope everything sorts itself out for you grouphug.gif

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Blink said:

Not that I am siding with the employers but....


Were you aware of this illness before you took the job, and did you advise them?


How much time off are you having? [i believe that they can make you redundant/dismiss you on the grounds of being "unsuitable" due to having a large amount of time off, whether it is your fault or not]

I also think it is different if you are signed off for a long period of time, as opposed to having lots of short periods off. When I was signed off due to my RTA, my employers (who I had been with for 3 months) paid my SSP for 6 months, then sent me a letter advising me that after fulfilling their obligation of paying my SSP for 6 months, they were terminating my employment (that letter arrived 3 days before xmas!!)


Sorry if that ain't what you want to hear, but I hope everything sorts itself out for you grouphug.gif


u r right that's not wehat i wanted 2 hear...... you;'ve just made my day a whole lot worse and i don't need anything else 2 worry bout


can this day get any worse banghead.gifbanghead.gif

When am i not horny 😉 😊
Msn Messanger:tina_g_ukc@hotmail.com
Yahoo Messanger/Email ickle_cat_1981@yahoo.com



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Tina_g said:

CreamyC said:

Why 20 past 2 ?


it;'s the only appointment i can get


Thats a bugger, cant you make it 10 past 2 ?


My thoughts are with you at 2.20pm.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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CreamyC said:

Tina_g said:

CreamyC said:

Why 20 past 2 ?


it;'s the only appointment i can get


Thats a bugger, cant you make it 10 past 2 ?


My thoughts are with you at 2.20pm.


that's me back from the docs i got a 2 week sick line and i've handed it in 2 the employers.... they seemed ok with it


i'm lucky i went 2 the docs i didn't realise how ill i cold have got if i didn't go confused.gif atleast i no what's wrong now


When am i not horny 😉 😊
Msn Messanger:tina_g_ukc@hotmail.com
Yahoo Messanger/Email ickle_cat_1981@yahoo.com



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Tina_g said:


the thing is i work in a cold place and i've been 2 ill


Cold, u live in jockland. Get used to it!

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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Samsun said:

i have colds but still go to work!!


what i have is alot more serious than a cold...... if it was just a cold i would have gone 2 work

When am i not horny 😉 😊
Msn Messanger:tina_g_ukc@hotmail.com
Yahoo Messanger/Email ickle_cat_1981@yahoo.com



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Samsun said:

maybe its that virus everyone might be getting up there in stornaway grin.gif


stop trying 2 be funny

When am i not horny 😉 😊
Msn Messanger:tina_g_ukc@hotmail.com
Yahoo Messanger/Email ickle_cat_1981@yahoo.com



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CreamyC said:

Maybe its the flu, maybe, just maybe.


it's deffo not the flu i have

When am i not horny 😉 😊
Msn Messanger:tina_g_ukc@hotmail.com
Yahoo Messanger/Email ickle_cat_1981@yahoo.com



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Tina_g said:

u r right that's not wehat i wanted 2 hear...... you;'ve just made my day a whole lot worse and i don't need anything else 2 worry bout


can this day get any worse banghead.gifbanghead.gif


Sorry babes, hope everything gets better and you are well soon, and can go in and show them what an asset you are.

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Blink said:

Tina_g said:

u r right that's not wehat i wanted 2 hear...... you;'ve just made my day a whole lot worse and i don't need anything else 2 worry bout


can this day get any worse banghead.gifbanghead.gif


Sorry babes, hope everything gets better and you are well soon, and can go in and show them what an asset you are.


it's ok.....sorry bout my prevous post i was in a mood and i didn't mean 2 take it out on u. anyway i have a sickline of the docs so i'm off work for 2 weeks.i don't think i'm going 2 loose the job now

When am i not horny 😉 😊
Msn Messanger:tina_g_ukc@hotmail.com
Yahoo Messanger/Email ickle_cat_1981@yahoo.com



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