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Job interview tomorrow!

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Ive got a job interview tomorrow!! Its for a shitty factory job but itll do for me. Its my first job interview ever and im fealin a mixture of excitment and nervousness. What do i wear and stuff? Scarryyyy

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u'll be sound, at the end of the day, like u said it's a shitty factory, if it was in an office, it'd be a different story, so i wouldnt worry too much, u'll just have to make a good impression on the day with wat u say,

so no chatting [censored] wink.gif

good luck anyway. grin.gif

I wanna snort cocaine on the breakfast tray...
I wanna get twisted.
Do u fuk as well as u dance???

msn shuffle69shuffle@hotmail.com

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good luck anyway


Cheers. smile.gif



Alright snezhead?! Nah theres no-one. My mate will probably have one but hes in London working, me brother doesnt own any and my dads shirts will be waaaay to big for me. Ill just have to just be nice i suppose and see what happens. undecided.gif

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Groovster said:

good luck anyway


Cheers. smile.gif



Alright snezhead?! Nah theres no-one. My mate will probably have one but hes in London working, me brother doesnt own any and my dads shirts will be waaaay to big for me. Ill just have to just be nice i suppose and see what happens. undecided.gif

aw ok. jus be urself then and it'll all be good! lemme know how it goes after!

One Day I woke Up, And I Realised That My Mind Wasn't Mine Anymore!

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OMG.... Groovster.... and a job???!!! shocked.gif



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Groovster said:

Ive got a job interview tomorrow!! Its for a shitty factory job but itll do for me. Its my first job interview ever and im fealin a mixture of excitment and nervousness. What do i wear and stuff? Scarryyyy


Good luck mate. Free Big Mac and Fries for you then.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
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OMG.... Groovster.... and a job???!!!


grin.gif I dont think ill get it tho mate.




Thats exactly what i thought. haha


Good luck mate. Free Big Mac and Fries for you then.


yaaaaay!!! haha id prefer quarter pounder with cheese but itll do. tongue.gif

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